Step 6: Routine

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"They call us 'dreamers' but we're not the ones sleeping."

To start off, a gentleman's day and night routine is important.

The more productive and healthy your routine, the better you are in life. Not everyone manages to stick to it, so try to prove them wrong by being determined to change that.

Gentlemen, we're one in a billion who can change the world.

It's just up to you how you're going to approach the obstacles I'm life.

It's now or never, as you're either going to keep pushing it aside until you have no time to improve yourself. By changing things now, you have enough room for the next struggles to come.

Enough with the chit-chat. Let's move on, Gentlemen:

1. Good sleep:

Although I've added that quote on the top, actually sleep is necessary. We live in a generation where watching series and scrolling through social media late at night, keeping us up.

I know it is hard to adjust in such a short time, but try avoiding looking at your phone. You need approximately 8 to 10 hours of sleep everyday for your health.

If you have time scrolling through your phones, you have time doing a face, workout and sleep routine.

2. Set a goal and stick to it:

Sounds easier said than done, am I right? Perhaps a little too idealistic.

But you know what they say: Small steps lead to great success.

Be passionate and realistic. Everyone starts off as being a beginner. The greatest wins are achieved through dedication and persistence after all.

So make small goals, may it be waking up early, finishing your work from school before you do something else, drinking water early in the morning, working out for 10 minutes every day, cleaning your room and many more.

When you lost motivation, look back at the huge achievement you've done thanks to the routine. You may not notice it at first, but I can tell you that you were pushing yourself even when you didn't have the motivation to and that is a huge improvement.

Not everyone manages to do what you're doing. So imagine what happens if you keep it going and adding more small goals together.

3. Meditate and Pray:

This is something I love doing myself. It only takes 5 minutes a day and you're good to go. The fastest way to start off a day.

Meditating daily improves your focus and clears our minds. You also lower the risk of depression. Thing it as a way of boosting your productivity.

See it and be it.

Breath deep in, sit on a comfortable position in silence and visualize how to start off your day with your eyes shut.

Trust me this works, especially when you believe in yourself.

As for prayer, this may be something not everything can relate too and believe at. But a prayer to God is always welcome and for everyone, whoever you may be.

GentlemanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz