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A few days later...

Ameria's POV:

Me and Arabella were just chilling until we received a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi miss, we are from the police station, and I am here to inform you that your guardian has committed a serious crime and is going to prison." the unknown person exclaimed.

Me and Arabella were shocked. Who's going to take care of us? Even though Frank abused us and beat us, at least we get to go to school and live under a roof.

Since we were quiet, the person continued speaking, "Since you guys have no guardian right now, we have to send you ladies to the child service."

What? My heart started beating faster and faster, and I could tell that Arabella's heart was also beating fast. We will never ever go back to the child service. We would be fine if we had another guardian instead of Frank, but he changed our perspectives on guardianships. Me and Ameria will never trust anyone but ourselves.

"Um-mmm, t-t-thank y-you, miss." Arabella stuttered as she ended the phone call shakily.

"Ara, let's run away. Just you and me against the world, what do you say?" I asked in a pleading voice.

"Sissy, let's leave this hell hole; nothing is stopping us," she said as she hugged me.

"Let's go pack now. Remember to pack lightly." I told her.

After we packed, we waited until the next morning to escape. By the time the sun was rising, we had disguised ourselves in hoodies and ran away before the child service came. We didn't know where we were going, so we went wherever our feet led us.

Many hours later...

By the time the sky got dark, we had found a little town, where we had decided to stay for the night or permanently, depending on the situation.

As we walked into the town, many people were walking in the markets and on the street.

"Sis, let's go look for a place to stay," I said.

As we looked around, I found a motel at the very end of the street. It was named "Holtville Town Motel."

Arabella hadn't noticed the motel yet, so I asked her, "Ara, we still have money, right?"

"Yeah, it's in my pocket. Why?" She asked, confused.

"Look at the end of the street. We can stay at that motel," I pointed at the very modern building.

"Oh my god, let's go then," she answered.

As we got our room key from the motel's front desk employee, we went straight into our room. We decided to share a room so that we don't waste a lot of money and to save up for other things like medicine for our bruises from the beatings.

"Do you want to shower first, or should I?" I asked.

"You first, I need to rest my legs for a while," she answered, which made me frown.

I saw why she needed to rest. Her legs and thighs were filled with bruises from the beatings. Frank's favorite spot to beat her was her legs and thighs, while his favorite place to hit me was my arms and back.

As I showered, I looked at myself in disguise. No one will love me. I had bruises and scars all over my body, some were old, and some were new. I looked at my tainted back through the mirror with my teary eyes.

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