Janel had officially been on the birth control pills for 3 months and a week and a half now.
It was all ok to have unprotected sex, now.
It was ok to have SEX with her. To make love to her, finally.
Not that we hadn't done nearly every other possible sexual thing anyone could think of already (except anything anal related. We both really have no interest in that area. Literally. Lol.) ...I had just never penetrated her in any way at all. We had never fully joined as one.
But the emotions I felt when we had "other" sex, sometimes actually scared me, to think of what making love to her would feel like. I mean, I got so overcome with emotion and love sometimes, it was actually PAINFUL in a way! And that was just from a blowjob or something stupid like that!
So making love to her....I could easily picture myself going totally insane and mental and losing my mind forever. No, like REALLY! I mean it!
So I wasn't in a huge rush to seal the deal.
But yet...I was.
I couldn't WAIT to be inside of her. Not just for the sexual feeling of it, but for the emotional feeling. For love's sake. I wanted us to be joined as one person together. I wanted to be inside of her body, because that is as close as you can get with another person.
We talked about this a lot, and we both had the same exact reasons. The same exact feelings.
And at the same time, we both wanted to feel the sexual pleasure of having actual SEX, finally.
And I wanted her to know the feeling of true sex. I'd done it tons of times. Tons of women. So I knew. But I also know, that I DIDN'T actually "know", because I had never loved someone like I loved Janel, so I didn't know TRULY what actual sex felt like...with her. I knew it would feel totally different, becasue everything else I felt with Janel had felt totally different.
Any babbling who.....God, I love her.
And soon, we'll have sexual intercourse. I don't have any special plans for it. Just...when the moment's right. But I'm thinking that our day of meeting anniversary is coming up very soon, so....maybe I'll wait till then? It'll be a meaningful day? I don't know. But I know Janel probably expects that from me. Because I'm sappy that way. I guess we'll just see what happens.

Since that 'ill fated' trip to LA, Janel and I have been to France, Spain, Africa, and Ireland for a few days each. I had gig dates in all those places. And every single plane ride. Every single trip. Every single landing, seeing a country for the first time from 30,000 feet in the air, or 1000 feet in the air, and from the windows of the airport.....Janel has soaked in every wonderous second of it, knowing she's living a life not many people get to live, now. She told me the other day, "I guess I'll NEVER lead a 'normal' life, huh?"
I guess she won't!! She had strived so long to be normal, and then I came along and swept her off her feet, and took her another abnormal type of life. But in a good way. She's happy. She says all the time, she was perfectly happy with that Ian guy she met, who took the time to be with her and win her trust, and her love....but then finding out I was famous...that was just a really really awesome bonus.
Did I mention I love the hell out of her? Just checking.

After my little mini tour of all those places I named above, it was finally time to have some time off again.
Stanley was back in London, doing whatever it is that Stanley does. And Janel and I were spending some time in her apartment, living the "normal" life, as much as we could.
And now we're on a flight to London again, to visit my parents for a few days. And I'll hopefully show her the farm house I'd bought a year or two before I'd met Janel. It's in my hometown. It's still being renovated, but is almost done.
Janel still sits by the window on the plane and watches the Earth and sky go by, like a little kid. I love the little kid part of her. Because I'm still like a kid in a lot of ways, so....it's all good.

We walked in to my parent's house, and it was empty. No one was home yet. So I casually walked up to Janel and took her bag off her, pushed her onto the couch, sat next to her, and started snogging.
She was delighted. It felt weird, making out with a girl in my parent's house, like when I was 15 or something. It was a nice, calm, loving make out session.
And sure enough, I heard the front door open, and we both sat up straight, as if everything was just fine.
My mom came into the living room and looked at us, stopped, and laughed. She KNEW!!!
"Really guys? Ian, I always know your guilty look, Ian. A mother always knows." she said, as she laughed out of the room and into the kitchen.
My dad came in behind her, and was making funny faces behind her back as she lectured me, which made us laugh, and he laughed out of the room too.
I love my parents. <3

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