Yoongi gritted his teeth as he raised his right feet and placed it on Young Master Daesung's shoulders before pushing the man away and pulling the sword out. 

"Your highness!!!" The almost dead man's mother suddenly cried out as she fell on the ground and crawled towards Yoongi, clutching onto his leg, begging him for forgiveness on behalf of her son, "Let him go!! I beg you... H-he's our only son fufufu~ We'll teach him properly next time! Please just spare his life!!" 

Yoongi frowned as he looked down at the noblewoman who had always been dignified and proud of herself as she tried to portray the elegant noble role she was given, however, at this moment, there was not even a trace of that dignity or elegance. She was crawling on the ground, her face red and puffy, stained with tears that made it impossible for her to open her eyes for more than a few seconds. 

Yoongi kicked her off. 

To put it blatantly, it was already too late for her to be begging. Even the countries best doctor wouldn't be able to save this man who had his half neck sliced as if it were nothing more than a chicken's neck.

Yoongi raised his sword once again and this time he used both his hands to put more force to the cut. He was successful! The head fell down in an instant but Daesung, who was already dead, wasn't exactly 'dead' yet. His head rolled on the ground and knocked against his mother's feet. 

The woman turned reluctantly to look at the thing that had touched her leg and when she saw her son's eyes still moving around frantically in confusion and pain, she screamed out at the top of her voice and fainted right away. 

At this moment, Taehyung decided to turn his head, thinking that it was all over, but Yoongi immediately covered Taehyung's eyes with his hand as he whispered, "Don't look." 

Taehyung gulped but said nothing and simply nodded his head. 

Young Master Daesung's headless body fell down limply and his eyeballs that were still moving in a crazed manner slowly came to a stop. 

"Your highness!" It was the voice of Hyun who had arrived a bit late. He had transferred Jimin and Jungkook to jail before this and came here, running after the crown prince and Taehyung as fast as he could because he knew that the crown prince wasn't up to anything good, however, he was still late! 

How was he to know that Yoongi would move so fast?! 

He thought the crown prince would first start to talk the matter out since Young Master Daesung's family was influential, but now that he looked at such a scene, he could guess what had happened here. Yoongi had probably killed him as soon as he came here without even listening to an explanation. 

The crown prince's temper was still just as spontaneous as always. 

Hyun's eyes widened as he looked at the headless corpse lying on the ground along with a bodyless head and a fainted woman whom he could only guess to be Young Master Daesung's mother. 

"Your highness!! What have you done?!" Hyun shouted in shock and worry. 

He held no pity for the dead man lying in front of him, but this didn't mean that he supported this sudden execution. Young Master Daesung was not just a nobody and if his father got to know that his only son had been murdered by the crown prince, the result need not be voiced out. 

In this dog eat dog world where the strong suppress the weak, one needed to consider the status of the other before killing. This was how things worked. If you didn't have a high status in this society, nobody would even care to cover up your corpse with a white cloth. 

No matter how powerful you were, the consequences of killing someone from a noble family weren't gonna be pretty and the crown prince of the country would also not be an exception. 

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