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"Hey um, I think I want to take you to meet my parents-" Bakugou spitted out one day, he knew Kirishima's reaction very well - the biscuit dropped onto the floor with 'Red Riot' (remember the dragon-cat?) licking off the pieces, his bulging eyes and his wide open mouth with spiky teeth sticking out.
"Pffft, what's with that reaction? You're my boyfriend Eijiro!"
Kirishima stared back for a few moments, "Yeah... B-but, are you sure?!"
"Mhm, of course... but if you're not OK with it, I can wait," Bakugou reached out for his hand, "no need to rush-" Without any warning, the huge shark pounced on the Pomeranian, burying his red hair into Bakugou chest.
"Soft Kattt!"
"Tch..." Bakugou wanted to continue talking about the meeting but just decided to cuddle him for a while, I mean, who can resist a large fluffy red shark? Lying down on the sofa, he pulled Kirishima closer to him and started playing with his crimson hair, it was let down as they were at home. This small thing always made him feel safe and relaxed, he realized from the beginning- how lucky was he to have such a bright, kind, idiotic (yes its NOT a derogatory word in his case) boyfriend? Must've saved the universe in his previous life... Before long, Kirishima had fell asleep, Bakugou chuckled at his posture, it seemed that nothing could ruin that simple moment- but no, he remembered the argument between his parents last time he went home, would his parents truly accept him? He sighed, they did say they would support him no matter what so... it must be fine right? Then again-
The sudden touch of Kirishima's soft hands woke him up from his thoughts, two worrying eyes looked up, "Hey... what's wrong?"
"Oh- nothing... It's fine," he attempted to look away but his face was cupped by Kirishima.
"Kats, I know you long enough to sense that something's up, just tell me, we can solve the problem together..." the shark's toothy smile always lit up Bakugou's heart.
"Heh... well, it's just that..." he paused, not knowing how to continue.
"You know my parents right? Last time I saw them, they had a fight about me being gay..."
"Wait, why do you sound like you know this-"
"Yes I do, when you were in the emergency room that day, I overheard your parents talking about this..."
"Oh- suppose you've seen them already then..."
"Mhm, they were really worried about you Kats," Kirishima pulled Bakugou closer to him, letting him rest his head on his chest.
"Yeah... I know..."
"Are you worried about telling them you have a boyfriend?"
"No... that's- yeah I am, sorry..."
"Hey-hey, its not your fault, we all have things to overcome... though I'm sure your parents are going to accept you plus... As you said, we could wait, for the right time, when you feel confident or ready, ok?"
"Mmm, ok... thanks Ei..."
"Anytime!" wrapping his arms around Bakugou's waist, Kirishima pulled him in for a soft kiss. Bakugou felt himself melt into the kiss, his arms rising to be put around Kirishima's neck. They only broke apart for air, two pairs of dark crimson eyes staring right into each other's souls - that, was their moment.
"You know what?" Bakugou stated afterwards.
"What baby?"
Bakugou shuddered at that new nick name, "I'm ready for this, even if they don't accept me... I wouldn't care! Cause I have you!"
"Teehee, that's great! Um- so what time do you think they will be free?" Kirishima blushed slightly at that sweet comment.
"I think- usually on weekends! Like maybe this Saturday evening!"
"Sure, I could get a reservation at one of your fav restaurants!"
"Yay! Lemme just drop them a message to see if they're free!"


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