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A/N For those of you that don't know, flipped basically means that someone fell for someone.

"Where-where am I..." Bakugou looked around his bed, on the left was his mother with her head on his dad's shoulder, both of them fast asleep. Kirishima was on the other side of the bed, he usually snored very loudly, but this time, he was extremely quiet. Bakugou could only hear his very faint muttering. Reaching out, he gently touched Kirishima's face, somehow, he felt really bad for doing- what he did... His fingers traced under Kirishima's grey eye bags, "must've stayed up very late last night, huh?" he whispered, the guilt slowly creeping up his chest.
Maybe the touch tickled Kirishima, as he murmured, "st-stop, that tickles!"
A few moments of silence later, Bakugou's head started hurting again so he decided to lay down and close his eyes. The pain from his cut also stang very badly causing him to curl into a tight ball on the hospital bed.
"Sssssi..." it was almost more than he could bear, "damn, I really did something extreme, didn't I?" Bakugou started rolling, back and forth, still in a tight ball as he didn't want to wake the others up, knowing how much he owed them for the incident.
"Mmmmph," Kirishima groaned a few minutes later, seeing that Bakugou relaxed, which is how he was sleeping in the beginning, he sighed, "please can you come back... I-I really missed you, you would never know how much I cried yesterday along with your parents... If you are listening right now, I just wanted to say, in case I never have the chance to after this..." he paused, but swiftly continued, "I... I like you, as in, like-like, the type which is more than friends... you probably don't feel the same way anyway..."
Bakugou was shocked, completely. Of course he was gay, as he came out a long time ago, but he never dared to tell Kirishima, as his old friends only made fun of him for that. In conclusion, he just decided to answer with silence. Trying his best to not have his eyes wide open, he continued to fake his sleep, well, coma... The question that really boggled his mind though, was: how in the world did a bright boy like Kirishima, fall for an aggressive guy like him - who swears all the time.
In between his thoughts, he heard some whimpering, specifically, Kirishima. Why the hell is he crying? Did I do something again?! Bakugou felt a strong urge of telling him that he's alive but he stayed silent, partly because of his weakness and pain.
"Are you really dead... like dead dead? Or are you just in a coma?" he laughed between his tears, acting like a clown, "maybe if you are dead, then I can die as well, so I can go to heaven with you... or even hell... that isn't important, as long as you're there, its heaven..." Kirishima smiled, looking at the ceiling, then he stood up and started walking towards the windows.
"What the hell is the dumbass doing! NO! I have to stop him! Wait why am I thinking this, have I really... fallen for him?!" Bakugou thought.
Opening one eye, he could see, in blur, Kirishima - a few steps before the open window, a few gentle breezes slipped past his face, his black hair flowing in the wind. Bakugou knew, if he don't stop him now, Kirishima would be gone- forever.
"KIRISHIMA!" he shouted with the last of his strength "don't- please don't do it!"
"Ba-Bakugou?! You-you're alive?!" Kirishima exclaimed with astonishment.
"Of-of course you idiot!" Bakugou reassured him, the second time.
Kirishima dashed to Bakugou's bed, as more tears started filling up his eyes, "don't ever do that again, you saw what could have happened if you didn't stop me!"
"...heh, I'm sorry..." Bakugou said in a soft voice, patting Kirishima's head, "but... if I promise that I wouldn't do that, you have to promise me you don't hurt yourself as well..." You could see the pleading look in his eyes.
"I-I promise," Kirishima sniffed, squeezing Bakugou's hand tightly, "I-is it ok if I- um hug you..?" There was a moment of silence, "Its-its ok if you don't want to-"
"You know, sometimes you don't have to ask for these things..." Bakugou smiled - his first, true smile.
"Hngh, Bakuuuuu!" Kirishima climbed onto the bed and clinging onto Bakugou like he was his only light, "I really missed you...like alot..."
"Yes...I know," Bakugou put his arms around Kiri's head, stroking his silky hair, gave him comfort somehow, it made him feel- safe.
Kirishima buried his face into Bakugou chest, this time, Bakugou didn't mind, he actually enjoyed it. Yes, I've really fallen for him, haven't I... These thoughts floated into his brain, again, but he didn't reject them, he accepted them, in a way that he never dared to before.


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