The Incident

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A/N: WARNING - This chapter includes blood, suicidal thoughts (attempts) and cursing!

It has been a few weeks since Kirishima first started living in Bakugou's house. They used to each other's existence. Perhaps the one who changed the most was Bakugou...

"Would you mind?" Bakugou said abruptly one day.
Kirishima looked up to Bakugou from his lap, "Mind what?"
"Moving your sh*tty hair?" he was obviously in a bad mood.
Kirishima, being the usual oblivious idiot he is, just moved his head, though he didn't understand simply what got on Bakugou's nerves. From Kiri's point of view, he was in a pretty good mood when they woke up.
" you want to talk about it...?" he asked, carefully.
"There ain't nothing to talk about sh*tty hair!"
"Bro, just spit it out we can solve the problem together-"
"I SAID ITS FINE!" he screamed, stomping back to his room.
A few moments later, Kirishima heard whimpers from the closed door where Bakugou was. He didn't know why he was crying but he still decided to go take a look. Walking towards the door, Bakugou's whimpers suddenly turned into high-pitched weeping...
Knock... Knock... But the door was locked... Kirishima began to panic - the exact same feeling when his sister jumped out of the window... The next thing he knew, all that was left was Bakugou's screams and moans of pain.
"BAKUGOU?!!! OPEN THE DOOR!!!!" There was a bang and something seemed to have fell down to the floor, then silence - absolute silence. Without a second of hesitation, Kirishima broke down the door. There was Bakugou, laying in a pool of bright-red blood.
"BAKUGOU! NO PLEASE! You can't just..." his shouts could have been heard through the whole building. Breaking in to tears, he ran towards Bakugou's body, holding him close to his chest despite the blood slowly soaking into his white shirt. In between his tears, Bakugou's body seemed to have, steadily, returned to the normal body temperature.
"Baku- Bakugou!?"
"I-I... call the ambul..."
"OH MY GOD! YOU'RE ALIVE!" Kirishima immediately picked up his phone and dialed 911.
"O-of course... yo-you dumbass..." he was clearly out of breath.
The ambulance soon arrived, Kirishima quickly followed the nurses onto the ambulance. After a few moments of silence, the ambulance finally reached the nearest hospital.
Kirishima watched as Bakugou was pushed on a moving bed, rushing into the emergency room. What will happen? What will they do to him? A whole bunch of worries filled up his mind- Will he... survive? These thoughts were eating him up, swallowing him, images of blood and his sister were reappearing- All those years, he thought he had forgotten or simply got over it but... he didn't. The scream from his mother, the panic when they ran into the elevator, nothing, absolutely nothing could have stopped her. She had enough of this world, was her last words. All he could do now, was to pray, pray to god that, Bakugou would not end up in "sorry for your loss, we tried our best..."
Tick...tock...tick...tock... Time passed, the more time Bakugou was in that room the less possible it was that he's surviving, at least, the more worried Kirishima was. By this time, Bakugou's parents were also there, fearing that their son will be gone- forever. Although Kirishima himself was almost overloading of negativity, he still tried his best in calming down and literally giving therapies sessions to Bakugou's parents.
Bakugou used to talk about his parents to Kirishima, most of it was actually complaining. Though he never seen the couple, Bakugou had already built a very clear picture of his 'annoying servants'. The three of them cuddled together, producing enough comfort and warmth in their hearts.


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