Nice to Meet You

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A/N: Hi guys, I'm back with the weekly (almost) update! Sorry but this is still kinda angst.

Alone in the rain, the surroundings blurred, water in his eyes, he slowly tried to stand up, but his legs just felt even more numb. He lets his subconscious guide him just for this once - he never have dared to.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Kirishima was in the police station already, describing when Bakugou disappeared and all the details about him - by this time, they were already carved deep into his memory.
"Is this all the information you have?"
"Y-yes, please can you find him..?"
"Well, we will try our best kid."
With that, the police took a few others with them and hopped into a car. Kirishima watched as the car left station, the choking stone in his heart still hovering. He paced back and forth in the lounge, making the curiosity burst in the young officer trainee, "Hey-hey, do you mind me asking what are you this worried for?" her innocent face stared straight into the soul of Kirishima.
"Oh, ummm, I seemed to have scared my crush off..." he smiled through his frustration.
"Oh-oh I'm so sorry-" she seemed- startled.
"NO-no its completely fine."
"Aha, well she probably was just surprised, or just- had her own reasons... but anyways- I'm Tsuyu, nice to meet you!"
"Kirishima, nice to meet you too!" he sat down beside her, keeping the distance, "by the way... its a he for him..."
"Oh~ sorry, I'm bi myself so don't have to worry if you want to talk 'bout this subject!" Phew, Kirishima was glad, he usually never had anyone to talk to... his parents drove him out of the house immediately after he came out as gay. "Tha-that's cool... If you don't mind me asking, have you ever had- that kind of trouble?" he really needed to get his mind off Bakugou for a second.
"I mean... I once had a girlfriend- but we broke up a few months ago..."
"I'm so sorry to hear that-"
"Nah, don't worry... I've gotten over her- a long time ago. She wasn't a great girlfriend anyways, I mean hanging in the pub every night with random women..."
"Ooop ok, then you should've left her a long time ago- I mean if she does, THAT."
"Yeah, I kinda trusted her at first, but then, I just saw her secret love messages one night... next thing I knew, I was the third wheel!" she laughed, a cold one, making Kirishima slightly shiver. He never knew a girl could be like this, such stories that described the truth behind all the fairy-tale love stories. Just as he was about to reply to Tsuyu, he heard his name, "Yo, um, Kirishima! We found some important traces of the missing boy!"
"Really! Oh my god, thank you so much!" he was heading out the room when Tsuyu thrusted a piece of paper into his hand whispering, "talk later, shark-boi~" Some how, his heart skipped a beat, sending another shiver down his spine but he quickly snapped out of it and ran out of the lounge to find the officer waiting.
"Alright so. Suppose we found some traces of the boy in a park near your house, but we haven't located the exact area he is in or was."
"How have I missed searching that area! Thank you!" he paused, thinking, "Could you maybe also send me a location where some traces were found?"
"Oh-um sure? Well, the reason I returned here was because there's an emergency case so if you want to I could also get someone round here to help you... hmmm, so Patrick is on holiday, Theo is at the site of crime, aha!" he then spoke into his walkie talkie, "no. 11 Tsuyu, are you free right now? Have a boy here who needs some help on finding his friend."
"Do you mean Kirishima?" Tsuyu replied on the other end.
"Yes right, Kirishima," the officer seemed a little irritated.
"Be right over, lobby?"
"Yes now, over."
A few minutes later Tsuyu ran into the lobby with seemingly brand new police outfit- which was more like a Cosplay than an actual police wear for Kirishima.
"Geez, that old man is grumpy today!" Tsuyu complained as they started to walk to the location.
"Well, I guess he's probably just tired?"
"I mean sure, but he doesn't have to take it out on others does he?"
"But anyways, where did they find traces?"
"Well, I think we're almost there... just- around this corner!" Kirishima pointed towards a tall bush.
"What? Where, there's only a bush!"
"Oh! I remember, Bakugou once mentioned that this was his secret area- I mean just behind it-" suddenly, he came to an abrupt stop, "do you hear that?"
"Mhm, you mean the whimpering?"
"Yup, let's just try our best to not startle him..." his voice lowered to a whisper.
"Copy that-" her voice lowered as well, then slowly followed Kirishima as they creeped towards the bush. They couldn't avoid the body contact and rustling, but- it just rained! Its unavoidable, some how, Kirishima started feeling a burning sensation through out his body. Of course, Tsuyu was 'accidentally' rubbing her chest on his back... (please don't kill meh >_<)
"Uh-um can you please not be this close to me?" he stuttered, face about to turn into a rotten tomato.
"Ooops, didn't realize that~" she took a few steps to the left as they reached the bush. Carefully, Kirishima pushed the leaves apart, approaching the 'ball' of Bakugou. "Oh god, is he ok?"
"Hopefully... lemme just go check. Stay here, don't move," he signaled Tsuyu and crawled over to Bakugou.
"Arrrrgh," Bakugou, Kirishima didn't know how, though Bakugou did seem like a small Pomeranian, but maybe not by the looks.
"Don't you dare bite him!" Tsuyu shouted, about to spring out from behind.
"Awrrr..." Bakugou, was scared?
"NO Tsuyu, don't!"
"GOD, I was just trying to protect you!" her voice lowered again as Kirishima pushed her face backwards.
"Its me... Kirishima..." he reached out his hand to see if Bakugou could stand up, but Bakugou didn't budge - simply ignored him.
"Bakugou... Are you mad..?" his tone softened, the self-blame came rushing towards his brain.
"Rawr?" he paused, "I-its not your fault..."
"Huh? You can speak?"
"God, are you literally- th-that dumb?" he coughed, a very heavy one from Kirishima's view.
"Wait, don't speak that much if your throat hurts-"
"I-its fine, I'm ok-"
"Bakugou, it really doesn't look like it, I need to tend your wounds if you would go back home with me!"
"I-I, why would you care about me... just let me stay here, no one cares anyway..." Bakugou muttered, his tears already run out, leaving only traces of the salt-fountain on his cheeks.
"Katsuki! How can you say that! I care, your parents do! Your friends do!"
Bakugou turned around, his eyes meeting Kirishima's.
"You matter, Katsuki!" Kirishima gently kneeled down and hugged Bakugou. 'You matter', these two words ringed back and forth in his head, he remembered, when his grandmother was still alive, she always reminded him his importance in this world. Although she usually exaggerated her words, Bakugou finally realized the real purpose of them. He relaxed himself in the hug, closing his eyes, just like a tired baby.
Suddenly, a cough came from the bushes, "Sorry to break it to you two- but I'm still here and Kirishima's MINE!"

(WORD COUNT: 1178)

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