Some Confessions [from the boys]

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A/N: Decided to take a break from the main story line, here's some confessions they had came around to make! Enjoy! -UwU-

Bakugou's POV:
It's been a few weeks since I recovered from 'the incident', and I've got to say, Kirishima is a real gay disaster! I used to think those type of people only exist online but he completely changed my mind - always saying 'no homo bro' and I'm just here- 'really?' Over these weeks, he has been so careful with me, literally giving me absolutely no self-esteem that I'm a hero with a quirk as powerful as dynamight! Just to prevent something similar to the incident that happened ages ago! I can't say that I don't enjoy it...tho... Wait- what in the world am I thinking?! NO. I'm not SOFT!

Kirishima's POV:
Bakugou. Is. Just. So. CUTE!!!! Argh, I just cannot control myself around him... and I feel like he's mad now... Though he's even CUTER when he's angry... he's-AN ANGRY POMERANIAN! I keep saying stuff like 'awww' and 'you sure you're ok', then he would look at me with the 'what the hell' face. That always ends with me saying 'no homo bro' but there was still a significant amount of awkward tension the air. No no no, I can't be like that, I'm not obessessed with him! Although...I still wonder if he actually did hear my speech before almost ending my life...


A/N:  Sorry for the very short chapter! Promise that the next one will be longer! 

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