Chapter 47

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Wesley and his mother came back from the funeral. Wesley quickly ran upstairs to go and change into a shirt and shorts. He was going to go and watch tv when he heard laughing coming from the kitchen. He smiled and went in. They all paused for a quick second and kept on. Continuing their actions. "Mr hunter it's so nice to see you." Betsy smiled. "Nice to see you too ms Betsy." The two men were at the table playing an old maid. Wesley looked at them then came converted his eyes back to Betsy. "You don't gotta call me that anymore Mr hunter I'm not all that special." Wesley rubbed the back of his head. "Oh well you don't gotta call me Betsy I don't think I'm all that special either." She said smiling down at him.

"Yea but like..." Wesley started Betsy walked over to the sink to do the dishes. "But like what?" She turned her head a little to smile at him. "You see you like my elder so that's just you know out of respect but like I'm like younger," Welsey said trying to explain to her. Betsy giggled at Wesley trying to explain to her what she already knows. Wesley laughed nervously "Call me whatever makes you feel comfortable Wesley." She said turning back and doing the dishes. Wesley nodded.

"Aye little man!" Just then someone called him Wesley jumped a little and turned around and looked at rubber who was sitting down. Wesley pointed to himself. "Me?" He asked. "Yea you compare real quick." Rubber waved over his hand to get him to come. Wesley walked over to the table where pa and rubber were sitting. Rubber brought his cards. "Count these cards for me you know it is hard to play with old men." Rubber said leaning down into Wesley's ear. "Hey I ain't that old I can still hear you know!" Pa yelled at Rubber. Wesley laughed. While counting the cards. "After that count, my cards since we gotta cheater," Pa yelled across the table.

"It ain't my fault your old age causes memory loss." Rubber says. "Keep on talking about my old age boy I'll show you what old age can do."
Pa pointed. Wesley kept laughing he had no idea how fun they were. "Oh really?!" Rubber mocked. "Mhm." "Sweet Jesus you two are always arguing excuse them Wesley they are crazy you can leave if you want," Betsy said shaking her head. "No I Uhm I want to stay I like it here," Wesley said looking up at Betsy. "Damn Betsy let the boy stay with you uptight ass." Rubber said. "Excuse me?" She said Wesley laughed and slipped out. Betsy looked surprised.

"You know what I'll leave you, boys, to it." Betsy left the kitchen. Just as she was going out to the living room. Sarah was sitting down she looked over at Betsy. "You know I'm still going to get my revenge one day that ghost killed my daughter I warned yall," Sarah spoke. "Grandma come on now let this go! Mama is dead! She not coming back! Don't you have enough respect for her and let this damn ghost go!" Betsy yelled as she walked away down the hall. A tear fell from Sarah's eyes.

Just then the doorbell rung. Sarah stood up to go and open it but then sat back down when Mary walked over to the door to open it before she opened it she looked at Sarah in disgust and then opened it. "Hi hello may I help you?" Mary asked. "Yes, are you the Mary hunter parent of Casey hunter?" The cop asked. "Yes...yes, I am is there a problem." Mary's face turned concerned. Just then Wesley came out of the kitchen smiling and bounced on the couch.  He turned his head to see his mother talking to the cop he tried to see the cop and they looked at each other then the cop switched his eyes back to Mary. "Can we maybe talk outside?." The cop asked. Mary looked back and then back to him. "Yea sure."

Once she closed the door the cop stood in front of her. "Yesterday morning we Uhm we found your daughter dead on the side of the train tracks." Mary gasped loudly and held her heart " we found rope as well we don't know if it was a potential suicide or murder we are very sorry for your loss." The cop said. "It was that boy! what about that boy!  what is his name, Philip."
"The boy. Who was identified as Philip johns he was shot and killed." The cop said.

Wesley continued to watch cartoons he was trying to chase away the thoughts of what the cop wanted to tell his mother. Was she finding a new man already? "No, no way." Mary walked back in and closed the door crying. "Mom what happened."

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