Chapter 3

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Joe parked right in front of the house "we're here!!!" He turned back and smiled back at his kids. "yay." Casey gave a fake smile and got out of the car. She took her suitcase out of the car. Wesley was about to get out of the car and began walking into the house. When Wesley was walking out of the house there was a black elder woman and a black elder man. As well as a black young man as well. They wore similar cloth with the same color. They gave a sincere smile to him. Wesley froze up he couldn't tell if they were real or a part of his imagination. Wesley dropped his suitcase and began walking closer to them he held his hand out he wanted to see it for himself.

They looked at each other confused. "Wesley!" A woman shouted at the top of her lungs and began running. She pulled him closer and hugged him right scared of what the strangers might do to him. She hollered like a scared cat. "Joe! Joe! Get here right now! Joe!" She kept looking for her husband and looking back at the strangers like they were going to kill her. Joe immediately ran to his wife and son's rescue "yes what is it-" Joe stopped in his tracks to be confronted by three negros that's what he calls them.

They stood in front of the family's new home. "Who the hell are y'all why are y'all in front of my home?" Joe asked angrily. Casey then joined them. The young man took off his cap and began to walk forward. "Hi, sa im Clifford people call me to rubber this here is my grandparents they been working for ya family for years this ole house hasn't been up since the '20s but it's up and running again my family and I been looking for work we live right over there in that cabin we were wondering if-" joe interrupted him by chuckling joe took out his cigarette and chuckled.

"You think you can just bombard me and my family-". "We're very sorry for dat sa-"
"I ain't done talking boy," Joe said harshly. Wesley watched all of this. It wasn't just imagination. They were real. So could that mean that the girl was real? No way. Wesley shook his head to get rid of the thoughts. "You want me to hire you and invite you, black folks, into my home?"  Joe asked. "Yes sa we really work hard and we are determined to see my mama and sister can take care of your wife's needs and grandma can watch the little one" he pointed to Wesley. Wesley frowned. He wasn't that little. "'Mama and sister? How many of y'all are there?"  The man counted on his fingers. Casey and her father laughed. "Uh, five sirs." He said lowering his head.

Joe thought about it. "Fine."  Mary got up. "What! You're going to let these people come into our house? Just like that?" "They are the help Mary and the family line have worked for us." Mary frowned "so! I'm sure we can find white maids just as worthy." Joe's face switched into a dark and more sinister one. "Are you going to keep arguing with me, Mary?" Mary caught one fear that was put back into her you could see it in her eyes. She swallowed her spit and smiled. "Casey Wesley get in the house now we have to unpack don't we?" She gathered them and they began to walk inside the house passing by the help. They were smiling and laughing.  "Oh, Thankyou so much sir we won't let you down." The young man said. "You better not or there will be consequences." He shook his head and they began to walk away.

Casey chose the room right next to the bathroom it was easy for her to do all her girl stuff. Wesley chose the room on the third floor it was a room far away from everyone he could see everything in the whole area even the big green space as well as the field.  Wesley began to look and saw a white bloody dress on the field he blinked squinted his eyes and looked closer but it was no longer there. He moved back and sat on the bed he started to unpack the comic books he took a book out and began to read.

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