Chapter 39

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Wesley sat outside with his comic books in his hand. Staring up at the sky he looked down at the grass seeing a bug. Wesley smiled. Just then a small whisper voice called his name.
"Wes?" Wesley looked back to see Bart in brown shorts. And a button-down white shirt. Meanwhile, all Wesley had on was a white T-shirt and Jeans and he was barefoot. Wesley turned around and looked at Bart and half smiled. Bart came running towards Wesley and sat beside him.

"Hey," Bart said. "Hey," Wesley said dryly. Bart looked at Wesley he could tell Wesley wasn't the same he looked like he hasn't slept in days. Like an empty shell. "I heard about your father I'm sorry," Bart said squinting because of the sun. "It's fine thanks," Wesley said sighing and looking down. "My parents don't want me to see you anymore because of what happened but I'll still sneak to see you." Bart smiled. Wesley nodded. "Yea I figured what I did was pretty stupid," Wesley said. There was a silence between them as the wind blew onto them.

"Hey, Wes can I ask you a question?" Bart asked. Wesley turned to him. "Yea what is it?"
"Why did you do it?" Bart asked. Wesley sighed and put his head down. "I don't know...I guess...I didn't want to see someone killed I guess." Bart looked at him. He didn't say anything. "Are we going to read these comics or what?!" Bart said trying to change the subject. "Actually." Wesley interrupted. "I want to give these to you," Wesley said. Bart's eyes widened. "Seriously?! No way?! Wes!? What?! Your kidding right?!" Bart yelled happily. He took them from Wesleys and jumped up and down. Then stopped. "Wait but why." Bart stared.

Wesley smiled to himself. "Remember when you told me you wanted me to be rich and successful and get us both out of here." Wesley turned to Bart. Bart nodded. "Well I plan to do that and I can't do that by acting like a child anymore I need to grow up." Wesley huffed.
Bart held the comics and sat back down. "I guess your right." Bart smiled. "Wait so why are you giving to me you think I'm childish?" Bart frowned. "Honestly Bart..." Wesley stood up. "I would love to be a child forever but that's not my case there are so many things or...people who are stopping me from doing that right now I have to worry about that before I can want to be a fictional character," Wesley said. Bart gasped his eyes widened.

Bart was looking at Wesley's dreams evaporate into thin air right before his eyes. "And plus." Wesley smiled. "You play a better Superman than me, see you around Bart." Wesley starters to walk away with his hands in his pockets. Bart sat there in the grass shocked at what just happened. Poor Wesley he thought.

The sound of the crickets is the only song that is being played through the night. Casey throws clothes into the suitcase aggressively. She removes the clothes from the hanger. She walks out of her room. Casey goes downstairs to call Phillip when she sees her mother crying in joes office. Casey looked at her mother and folds her arms. "Seriously," Casey said. Mary stopped and looked up Wiping her tears quickly.

"Casey...dear what are you doing up so late-" she started. "What am I doing up so late mom? Really?" Casey said. "Casey, what is wrong?" Mary asked. "What is wrong? What is wrong?! The problem is that you have been crying over joe for the past two weeks!" Casey yelled at her. "Casey does not talk about your father like that." Mary scolded. "Why mom? He has no problem beating you like a fucking doll. Or insulting us in front of his friends so why can't I Call him fucking Joe!" Casey said. "Stop! No matter what he is still your father." Mary said. "No, He's Wesley's father! When he died I didn't cry a single tear for that cheating bastard! You know mom when I told you joe was cheating I thought you were going to leave. I thought this was going to be the turning point you were going to teach me, women should never take shit from a man.... but no mom. You proved me wrong every. Single. Time." A tear fell from Casey's eyes. "Casey.." Mary whispered. "No mom...I'm leaving with Phillip tonight."

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