Chapter 37

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(⚠️WARNING!!!! ⚠️)

Joe came into the house with Mary opening the door. He smelled of alcohol. He walked in aggressively. Mary could sense her husband was angry and drunk but that was the least she was worried about. "Where's Wesley?" She asked softly but still panicked. Joe completely ignored her and kept walking towards His office. "Hello, Joe where is our son?!" Now she was even more panicked. Mary had no clue who her husband was or his intentions but he wouldn't kill they're son. Would he? Mary was literally going insane if he didn't say something. "Your son Mary," Joe spoke. "He's your son! I didn't raise no nigger lovers no softy!" Joe said. Mary couldn't understand what he was saying. "What? What happened? Talk to me? Joe? Where is Wesley?!" Mary said crying. Joe slammed Mary to the wall and stared at her.

"Shut up." He said. Mary cried silently under him. Joe looked at her and laughed. "So that's where he gets it from." He said moving back. "Your weak." Joe pushed her into the floor and kept kicking and punching her. All Mary could do was cry and protect her face. "You stupid bitch!" Joe yelled through the hallway.

Surely Casey would be there to come to her mother's rescue but no she was in town with Phillip. Casey knew she loved him and she knew he loved her and that's why he did that to her because he loved her. All that was said by Philip himself. In Casey's head deep down she really thought "if mom can stay with dad why can't I stay with Phillip?" She knew it was wrong but she didn't care.

Joe continued to beat Mary while she was curled up in a fetal position. Joe finally stopped and got up. He looked at Mary and laughed and smiled. "Look at you..weak." He spits on her and then left to go into his office. "Betsy!" Joe called Betsy to come. Betsy came running downstairs to the sight. She looked at Mary on the floor and her eyes widened. "Come here, Betsy," Joe said. Betsy stood there unable to process what was happening. "I'm not going to repeat myself." Joe snapped. Betsy flinched and started walking over to joe. "Uh uh uh" Joe shook his head.

"Crawl," Joe said. Betsy made a confused face. She crawled over to joe crying as well. Mary still stayed there staring at what was going on scared to move or even make a sound. "Good." Joe smiled. "Turn around," Joe said bluntly. "What?" Betsy asked."  "Turn around! Nigger!" Joe yelled. Betsy started crying a lot. Joe got on his needs and Betsy heard his belt jingle she knew exactly what he was going to do. "No!" Betsy tried to fight back. "Shut up, shut the fuck up!" Joe said trying to detain her. Mary cried silently watching this all unfold. Joe managed to get her down he didn't waste any time before aggressively forcing himself inside her. Betsy was crying and so was Mary. "I'm so sorry." Betsy cried out. "Shut up don't say sorry to that weakling. She deserves this." Joe slurred out. 

After he was done he kicked her into the floor seeing her cry out like a baby. Joe chuckled then went into his office and slammed the door behind him. It was quiet in the office the walls were soundproof.  And so he couldn't hear Betsy's annoying crying. Joe wobbled to his desk and sat there taking a sip of his water.

"Stupid fucking weaklings they don't know how to be strong! I'm strong!" He slurred out. Just then a clicking sound was made. And there she was as small as she was her face looked determined and angry. Ada didn't care what happened outside all she cared about was. "Where is Wesley?" She asked pointing the gun at joe. Standing behind him. Joe put his hands up and was terrified. "Who the fuck are you?" He asked. "Shut the fuck up Joe and answer the fucking question or should I say, Marco?" Ada tilted her head. Joe's eyes widened who the fuck was she? "Listen I don't know who you are but-" Joe started. "Move one more time and you will meet your maker."  Ada smiled.  "Now are you going to tell me where Wesley is or do you want to die?" She asked.

"Ok ok ok the woods near Kennington road I think that's what I remember I'm not sure if he's still there he probably got up and left I don't know," Joe said in a panic.

"Well Thank you." Ada smiled and pulled the trigger. And joes body slumped to the ground.

"Hmph, I didn't make any promises." Ada smiled.

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