Part 54

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6 months later, Lilly & Dan's wedding. Jade's POV

I was helping Hannah put the last of the presents in the van that would go to Dan's house, when Jessy walked up to me. "Hey Jade, are you done here? I just needed your help with something," she said. "Sure," I said. We walked towards a corner. Jessy looked uncomfortable. "Hey is everything ok?" I asked. "Oh yes, I think. Umm I don't know how to say this, but Cleo's mom spoke to me yesterday and she wanted me to talk to you," she said carefully broaching the topic. The mention of Cleo's name caused me to flinch, but she continued, "Jade, I know you have been through a lot. We have been through a lot. But I think what we all need is some closure and maybe we need to let go off some grudges and find a place to forgive someone. Jade, Cleo was a dear friend to all of us, and if you remember, she was nothing but nice to you as well, until you know, Luke happened, and I feel you understand that too, to an extent, well as you were always on Jake's side as well even though he was in the gray most of the times..." "Are you comparing Luke to Jake?" I asked angrily. "Of course not. I am saying that Cleo did everything for love and honestly, her sentencing seems to be too severe for what she actually did. She did not physically hurt anyone, except Richy, but she did that because she was desperate, and she didn't find any alternative.... I am not justifying her actions but what I am trying to say is, she is apologetic for what she did. And I think everyone deserves a second chance. Her mom is planning to apply for an appeal to reduce her sentence and she thinks it would really help her appeal if you said that you forgive Cleo," she said.

I looked at her, with a look of complete shock when I heard Richy's voice, "Jess, how can you even think that?" We turned to see Richy walk up to us and stand by my side, "You really have a nerve to talk to Jade all alone about helping Cleo." Jessy narrowed her eyes at him, "I did not say she should do it. I am just giving her a message from Cleo's mom." The others had gathered near us too, looking extremely uncomfortable. "Right because you think that's valid," Richy snapped. I put my hand on his arm. He immediately calms down. "Richy, I don't mean to disregard what happened, but Cleo was our friend. And I think we can find it within ourselves to forgive and forget for closure," Jessy said. Silence surrounds us. Finally, Phil clears his throat, "What Cleo did was wrong Jess. I don't think any of us can forget anything anytime soon. We get where you are coming from, but we need answers, not closure. If Cleo regrets what she has done maybe she should do something to give closure to all the victims that Luke killed so ruthlessly." Jessy sighed, "I still don't understand how she could do something like this?" "And you might never know Jess. How about we all try to put this behind us and try to enjoy the good times we have right now?" Dan said. "You're right. I am sorry you guys, I didn't know what came over me," she said.

Empathy, I thought. Something that I think both Cleo and Luke lacked. Everyone started shuffling back to the sitting area, I followed them when I saw Richy pulling me back. When the others were at a distance, he said, "Why did you listen to her?" "Richy... she is concerned for her friend," I said groaning. "Don't tell me that you are thinking about it," he growled. "Of course not. Richy it isn't easy for me to forgive and forget and Cleo hurt you too. I am not that big of a person to be able to forgive her yet. Phil is right, those other victims' families need closure too. I hope Cleo realizes that and reveals information about it," I said. Richy sighed, "I don't know how you do this. Even though what Jess said probably was not pleasant you still heard her out. I think its one of the reasons I love you." A cough sounded as Richy smiled at the person behind me, "Hey Hannah." "I am sorry to be interrupting this romantic interlude, but both of you are needed back at the party," Hannah said with a conspiratorial smile. Richy and me looked at each other. "What is she talking about?" he asked. I shrugged, "As long as it is nothing like the bachelorette party, I am good." "Wait? Bachelorette? Say what now?" Richy asked as Hannah dragged me back.

When we got back, I saw Dan and Thomas on the stage with musical instruments. I sat down on one of the chairs, when Richy looked up at them, he groaned, "Not this. Come on guys." "Hey, the best man sings. Its my wedding and I want the best man to sing," Dan said, clearly he was drunk. "Is this your band?" I asked. "Its worse. Its my high school band," Richy said completely embarrassed. "Come on it can't be that bad. I've heard you sing every morning while making breakfast," I said trying to be supportive. "You don't have a choice, you are the best man." He rolled his eyes and walked up to the stage. For some reason all the others were giggling around me, Reggie the most. "Ok whats the joke?" I asked him. "Oh, in high school, Richy was in this band and they performed only once," he said. "So?" I asked. "Richy got on the stage and he said that he was dedicating a song to the girl he liked from his class," Reggie said giggling. "And? Don't tell me she liked someone else?" I asked. "No, worse. She was this quiet girl and was very reserved, so when Richy took her name and started singing, the girl was so embarrassed that she ran away crying," Reggie said giggling continuously. "Oh my God that's so bad," I said. "He hasn't dedicated a song to anyone since," Reggie said. "You guys are the worst," I said. "Oh come on, he doesn't mind," Lilly said. "Besides I am pretty sure if he does dedicate it to the girl this time she won't run away," Jessy said winking at me.

"Ok lets start," Richy said. "No no no. You say the entire line Richy," Dan teased. I don't think there was a shade darker than the red Richy's face was exhibiting. He sighed, "Ok fine. Hey Jade, this one's for you as I have never seen someone as cool as you." Reggie interrupted loudly, "Wait Jade is taking off her heels, its easier to run that way." Everyone laughed. Phil said, "Okay guys back off." Everyone stopped, but still continued giggling silently. Richy started playing the tunes of I'm Yours by Jason Mraz on the guitar and started singing. As usual, he had the most perfect voice, which I was used to listening in the kitchen every morning. Dan and Thomas provided the background singing. The others started enjoying the song as well and started singing the chorus. Somehow it felt right. After he was done everyone started clapping. "The son of a bitch still has the charm," Phil muttered. Richy walked up to me, "That was torture and thank you for not running away." "Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss it for the world," I said smiling at him. He kissed me as we heard the others hooting. "Ok one last thing," Lilly said waving her bouquet. "You were supposed to do that during the actual party, Lilly," I said. "And give it to one of the other bitches? No way. Single Ladies in line please," she scoffed. I groaned. Jessy pushed me to my feet. We stood around in a semi-circle around Lilly. I wished I was anywhere else, but Jessy and Hannah seemed extremely excited. Lilly swung her arm, "1, 2......3" she said handing me the bouquet instead of throwing it. I looked at it with a surprise, "Umm I'm sorry?" Lilly, Jess and Hannah smiled. Lilly said, "You have given us a lot of happiness Jade, I think you have the right over any other happiness that comes any of our way." I took the bouquet, realizing its true meaning, "Thank you. I don't know what else to say." "Just say yes when he asks you," Hannah said winking. The girls hugged me. "Wow that's so corny," Reggie mumbled. "Shut up Regg," Jess said.

I sat at the chair next to Richy, "Is there something that you aren't telling me?" He rolled his eyes, "Its one of those phenomena where when one couple in the friend circle get married, they expect the others to do the same." I was going to ask him something more, when Richy's phone started ringing. He looked at the screen and excused himself. He walked a few steps away and started talking. I heard a few excerpts of the conversation. "Tomorrow at 11?....... Text me the details....Sure... No I won't say anything of course... Yup I'll be there on time." He hung up and sat down next to me, "What was that about?" "Oh nothing just a work thing. I have to meet someone on the way when we start on the trip tomorrow. I hope that's alright?" he asked. "Of course," I said, but I had this gnawing feeling that he was hiding something from me.

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