Part 39

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Jade's POV

I hear loud sounds. I start feeling lightheaded and the coughing doesn't stop. Is the man in the gas mask coming back? To kill me? I blink back tears, not knowing if it is because of the fear or the smoke. I hear more dragging sounds and the door opens. I put my hands in front of me in defense and look away. I feel someone grab my arm. I open my eyes and I see a figure standing with a mask on and then I just blank out.

"Miss, miss, can you hear me?" I hear the voice say. It's a woman's voice. Painfully I try opening my eyes. I see a woman hovering over me, a stethoscope around her neck. A doctor? I could see the sky. Where am I? Things rush back to me quickly. "Miss, can you tell me your name?" the woman asks. I say my name. "Do you know where you are?" she asks next. I try to move my head and I see familiar streets. "Near my house?" I say. She smiles, "Good. Can you sit up?" I feel the oxygen mask over my mouth. I push myself to sit up. "Good. How do you feel?" she asks. "Probably like crap," I hear a familiar voice say. I squint and see Johnson standing behind her. "I'm ok." I say to the woman. She nods. Johnson steps ahead and says, "Could you give us a minute?" The woman nods again saying, "Please keep breathing through the mask. You seem to have inhaled some smoke, but you should be fine in a few hours." "Thank you," I responded as she walked away. "How are you?" Johnson asks. I laugh and say, "I feel like crap." He laughs too but then he gets serious again, "Jade what is going on?" I look around before answering, "I think my house was on fire." He stares at me, "I know that. But how? And why were you in the closet?" I sigh and before I can answer I see a man, a firefighter I presume, walk up to us. "Your phone has been ringing continuously," he said handing over my phone. "Thank you," I said. He nods and leaves. I see that its Jake calling. I shield it so Johnson cannot see my screen and pick up the call, "Hello." "Oh God. Jade where are you? Are you ok? I have been calling you nonstop. What is going on? Did you see what Lilly sent you..." I hear his panicked voice. I also notice Johnson's suspicious eyes staring at me. "Hi Lilly, sorry I didn't pick your call. You wouldn't believe what happened. My house was on fire." I said carefully. "What? Are you ok? Are you safe?" he asked. "I'm fine," I say feeling more comforted just by hearing him. "Where are you now? I am on my way. Ill be there as soon as I can." Jake said. "Oh, Lilly don't worry about it. I am fine. My friend Johnson is here so I am not all alone," I said. "Oh. Okay. Are you sure? I'll be there. I just want to see that you are fine." He presses. "No no don't worry about it. Johnson is here. Besides, it will be dangerous for you to drive here all the way at night." I said implying that it would be dangerous for him to come as Johnson was here. I hoped he got what I meant. "Alright. I guess I can't meet you with him around. Ok I have some bad news, but I am trying to fix it. Richy got arrested so I will head back and try to sort that out." He said. "Richy got arrested? Why? How?" I screamed, noticing Johnson raising his eyebrow. "Jade, I don't know yet, but I will try to handle it," Jake says. "No no. I'll look into it myself. I think I can get some help." I said looking at Johnson. "Johnson will help?" Jake asks. "I think so." I said. "Ok Jade let me know what happens and call me please soon. Just let me know where and when I can meet you please?" Jake pleaded. "Uh sure," I said feeling extremely confused. We hadn't parted ways on good terms, but he sounds worried, almost hysterical. "Jade, I need to tell you that..." "Not now. I need to hang up now," I said painfully interrupting him. "Ok. You need to talk to Johnson, don't you?" he asked. "Yup he is standing right here." I said. "Bye," I say hanging up.

Johnson looks at me, "So let me guess? Richy got arrested?" "Yes. Johnson, I need your help. I mean he needs your help." I said. He looks at me and says, "Are you going to tell me why he got arrested?" "I don't know," I said. Johnson narrows his eyes at me. "Honest," I say raising my hand. He sighs. "Okay. I need to make some calls to find out what's happening, and I need to head to Duskwood. Probably need to bail him out." "Sounds good. When can we leave?" I asked. "We are not leaving. I am. You just got out of a trauma. You need rest." Johnson said. "Do you think I am going to stay here when my boyfriend is stuck in jail?" I asked. He looked at me with a blank look, "Fine on one condition. You need to tell me about the fire." "Ok." I said. Almost an hour and a half later, Johnson and I are on the way to Duskwood. Johnson had taken me to his house. I had freshened up and his wife had graciously offered a change of clothing. I wasn't at a full 100 percent but I was too pumped up to relax and rest. Johnson was in full swing making, what I could only imagine, were a hundred calls. "Richy got arrested for giving a false police report?" Johnson said. More like asked me. Uh oh. I shook my head and shrugged. He groaned clearly getting frustrated. That was almost an hour ago. I had texted Jake that I was on my way to Duskwood with Johnson and also informed him why Richy got arrested. I also saw messages from the group chat and from Lilly. I was horrified. I started feeling nauseous looking at the images. Johnson looked at me, "You look pale. Are you getting sick?" I composed myself and shook my head, "I'm fine."

"Ok so care to explain what happened at home?" Johnson asked. I sighed, "I just got back from Duskwood. I was exhausted and I was resting in my room, when I started smelling the smoke. I went downstairs to look into it, but since there was a lot of smoke, I thought of calling the emergency services. However, there was this man in a gas mask that on gunpoint shoved me into the closet. And that's where the firefighter found me I guess." Johnson narrowed his eyes at me, "Why didn't you call if you had your phone?" "There was no service, which is weird considering I've never had that problem before," I said. "Did the guy in the mask seem familiar?" Johnson asked. "No. I don't know. He didn't say anything so I can't say for sure," I said. Johnson's face had a dark look on it. "What?" I asked. "Someone called me from a private number saying that your life was in danger. Do you know who that was?" he asked. Jake, definitely Jake. He must have seen Lilly's message and called Johnson. Plus, I had left Johnson's card with them before leaving. But I shook my head, "No clue." "Also, somebody called the emergency services saying that there was a home invasion at your house. You have no clue who did that either do you?" he asked but in an accusatory tone. "No," I responded slowly. "And this has nothing to do with the Hannah girl's kidnapping?" He asked. "I don't know," I said. "And Richy's attack and arrest has no relation to this whatsoever?" He asked. "I don't know," I said slowly. I knew he didn't believe me at all. He sighs, "Jade, let me be straight with you. Someone is trying to kill you and I don't think that person will stop until you are dead."

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