Part 42

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Jake's POV

I watched as she ran over to the room down the hall and sighed. I was afraid this would happen. Richy looked at me, "What happened?" "Its her dad, Richy. She hasn't heard his voice since he passed away. It would obviously be overwhelming. That's why I didn't want you guys to listen to it and was offering to provide notes." I said. "Oh right. Dammit I didn't think this through." Richy said slamming his fist on the desk. "I should..." he started saying looking at me but instead said, "You should go check on her." "I think I am the last person she wants to see." I mumbled. "No mate, you are the first." Richy said quietly. I gulped. "You know Jake, she really really likes me." Richy declared. "Is this you gloating?" I snapped. "I didn't finish. She really really likes me, but she loves you. And right now, she really really needs you." He said. "And you are ok with that?" I asked. "I know when I am beat. Just go before I change my mind," he said looking away. I stood up with uncertainty and walked down the hall. I stood in front of the door not knowing whether to knock or just barge in. I chose the latter. I walked in, my shoes making some sound alerting her to my presence. She was sitting on the edge of the bed. She didn't even look up. Tears were rolling down her face.

I sat down next to her not knowing what to say. "Your dad seemed to be a very nice man." I said. She nodded. Come on. Don't be a coward now. "I am sorry," I blurted out. "Its not your fault. You did say you would recite the notes. I was stubborn to not listen to you." She said quietly. "Oh. I didn't mean to apologize about that. I wanted to apologize about...." I stopped when I saw her narrowing her eyes at me. "Really? Right now?" she snapped. "Ok maybe this isn't the best time but I do feel that it is long overdue. So if I may?" I asked. She nodded, "Fine. As much as I don't think anything you did was justified, I really want to know what went on in your brain to react like that." I shook my head.

3 days ago, at the restaurant

Enough was enough. Richy had been getting on my nerves for too long. First, the kiss, then her staying at his house. Jealousy was a trait I thought I never had. But now it was consuming me. That's it. I am going to tell her everything. Put everything on the table. Tell her how I feel. I had delayed it for too long. It couldn't wait any longer. But other thoughts haunted me. I had never been in this position before. Never been with a girl long enough to know about her. Meaningless flings were the only thing that were constant between me and women. Maybe, not mention that to her. Nervousness got the best of me. Ok, she doesn't know anything about me, but she is still around me so maybe I have some redeemable qualities. Yeah, like what? I felt stupid. Why am I arguing with my own mind? Ok deep breaths, absolute focus. Just tell her how I feel and then its her choice. Her choice? What if she likes Richy? That's not possible is it? Highly unlikely. He is a great guy; I'll give him that, but me and Jade have something much more right? Damn this was a torture. Why are you doing this to me Jade?

My phone buzzed alerting me to a call. I saw the screen and flinched. That's not possible. He hasn't called me in ages. I contemplate hanging up, but curiosity gets the best of me. I pick up but don't say anything, waiting for him to talk. He does so without a greeting, "Enjoying domestic life there?" "What do you want?" I snapped at him. "That's not a good way to greet me," his voice came out very strained. Couldn't say that it was his voice. He always used a modulator. Could be anyone for all I care. "How can I help, person I don't work for anymore?" I said gritting my teeth. "Could be better. Its unfortunate that you don't work for me, but I take care of all my people whether they work for me or not. Interesting choice there. Does Jade like Italian food?" he asked. "Don't say her name. And stop stalking me," I said angrily. "Easy there, I'm just asking. Never pegged you to be the man to settle down. Thought I taught you better than that," he continued. "I don't think you called to exchange pleasantries. What do you want?" I asked. "I want you to be objective. There was just one rule you had to follow. Never trust anyone but yourself. But I think you have strayed away from it," the voice said. I don't know if it was the modulator, but the voice sounded so calm and composed, it sent chills down my spine. "All you had to do was tell me that your sister was missing, and I would have found her. That's the least I could do for you. After all you are the best man at your job." The voice continued. "I don't need your help," I snapped back again. "I see that. Pretty girl, a strong sidekick who listen to everything you say. Impressive. It seems like you are making a band of your own," the voice said. "Mind your own business," I responded. "I am. That is why I called. You didn't heed to what Hayes said so I thought some drastic steps needed to be done. Pretty great investigation you have done so far. However, you seem to have missed an important clue," the voice said. I knew he was baiting me. But I also knew, he wouldn't call me without a reason. A clue? What could that be? "You know. I don't believe in scriptures, but have you heard of Delilah and Samson?" the voice asked. Before I could answer he continued, "Samson had immense physical strength. He fell in love with Delilah who was bribed by his enemies to figure out his source of strength. You know how she did it? She repeatedly accused Samson of not trusting her, and because of his love, he gave in and told her that his strength lies in his hair. When he was asleep, she had the servants cut his hair which caused him to lose his power and got captured by his enemies. Poor guy. All because of a woman. Sound familiar to you?" the voice asked. "Not at all," I lied knowing very well what he was implying. "Come on. You are not that naïve, are you? Did you even ask or try to figure out why Hannah had Jade's number? Or do you seriously believe it is a coincidence?" the voice asked. I didn't answer. "Ah. That's real shoddy work. Or are you blinded by sentiments to see through things? Tell me this then, if she has nothing to hide, then why hasn't she tried finding out a link between her and Hannah? Shouldn't that be the first thing to do? Ok let's give you the benefit of the doubt that you forgot, but then she forgot it too? Or has she just been feeding you the leads that will avoid you to look into her?" the voice said.

My head started to throb. "How would you feel if you found out, that Jade has been playing you all this while, helping the kidnapper? That she is the one behind it all? Do you actually believe that she fell in love with a random stranger? Not knowing his name, his face or what he does? Very Hallmark, don't you think?" the voice teased. "Don't. Stop lying," I growled. "I don't lie. I am just trying to make you look at all the sides. Which I think you have avoided. Probably because that's what she wants you to see. I am all for happy endings, but shouldn't you vet the woman you are ready to jeopardize everything for? And is she worth your blood relations?" the voice asked. "And even if she is as innocent as you think and all of this is just pure coincidence, do you really want to make her a part of your world? Where you hide behind a screen? Run away from the law? You are used to it. But will she be able to mold herself into this? Is this what she deserves? You know who her father was right? He was in the law and I am pretty sure she is a part of it too." The voice said. I was silent. I didn't know what to say. "She is a sweet woman. Or is she sweet, so much so that your ally also likes her so much, that he is ready to defy you for her? Wow that's commendable. Maybe I should recruit her. That's a valuable quality." "STOP IT." I screamed. "No man, you need to stop. I taught you better. You are depending on her for everything. Intel, clues, leads, everything. Is she really that dependable?" the voice said hanging up. I stood there trying to compose myself. Could it be?

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