Part 36

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Richy called Jake and explained everything, also specifying that we were heading back. I went to my room and put the drive in a tiny backpack. Richy was already ready when I got to the living room. "Ready?" he asked. "Yes," I said. We sat in the car with Richy driving. I was hugging the backpack tightly as if my life depended on it. "Aren't you glad?" he asked. "About what?" I asked. "That we know why Hannah had your number," he said. I smiled weakly, "I guess so. It seems very odd about Dad working on Madruga's case. I mean Madruga doesn't seem to be the people he would normally defend." "What do you mean?" Richy asked. "Dad worked on high profile cases or that's what I remember. They took up most of his time and then working on a pro bono? It's not odd but why would a person like Madruga get in touch with my dad?" I asked. "I don't know. But that's because I don't know how the system works or anything." Richy said. I shrugged, "I wonder what Hannah had to tell my dad?" "Isn't it odd that she contacted the firm and asked for your dad?" Richy asked. "Well since she met Madruga a day before calling the firm, I am assuming Madruga told her that his case was handled by that firm." I said.

Richy nodded, "Well I am glad this zips Jake's mouth. Now he literally has to eat his words. Idiot accusing you of being involved in Hannah's kidnapping." I looked at Richy, "Hey Richy I feel a bit exhausted do you mind if I take a short nap?" "Sure," he said. I drifted off within a few minutes. The exhaustion of the drive, running around, meeting Johnson, everything had made me feel like a zombie. Taking some rest would be good. I woke up a few hours later and we switched. I guess Richy was exhausted too as he excused himself to take a nap. He slept through the remainder of the journey which was good. He needed rest too. Richy's words reverberated through me that I wasn't thinking straight. That my motives were muddled. I thought about what I would have done if I wasn't involved with Jake. I would have never agreed to be a part of it. In fact I would have instead gotten them some help. I would have told Johnson about the kidnapping and he would have helped them. Helped them more than I did. Maybe Jessy would never have been attacked. Maybe none of us would be marked. Maybe Cleo would never have received any threats. Maybe Phil would have never gone to jail. Maybe Amy would be alive? Maybe Hannah would be back home by now. Richy would never have to stage an attack and would never be blackmailed.

It was very late at night when we reached the house. By that time Richy was awake too. We got out and went inside the house. Jake as usual was seated at the desk. He stood up as he saw us walk in. "Hey man," Richy said chirpily which was odd. He walked up to Jake and punched him right in his eye. Jake fell back down on the floor. "Richy? What the hell?" I screamed. "Sorry I had to do it. You know you deserve it." Richy said looking down at Jake. Jake looked at him, "Yeah I get it." Richy offered him his hand. Jake chuckled and took his hand and stood up. As soon as he was up Jake punched Richy in the eye as well. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled at Jake. "Sorry man I had to do it too. This one was for the thing you did yesterday in the room. You know what right?" Jake said. Richy flinched but he nodded. "So we are good mate?" Richy said offering him a handshake. "We are good." Jake said shaking Richy's hand. I rolled my eyes and handed the drive to Jake. "Its password protected. I hope you can open it." I said knowing that he could do so easily. He nodded and sat down at his desk. He plugged in the drive and within minutes he was in. And like I had thought, it was dad's notes. In fact everything was organized by time and had detailed typed notes, photos and of course his recordings. Jake quickly browsed through some files, "These are really good." "Hallelujah," Richy said.

"I hope it helps you guys to find Hannah," I said. They both looked at me. "What do you mean by helps us guys?" Richy asked. "I mean to say I am out. When I said that this was way above our heads I meant it. This has gone way too far. All throughout this time I really wanted to know how I am related to Hannah's kidnapping and I know now. Now you promised that you will destroy the pictures about Richy. And that's the deal right?" I said and I had already thought about this. I had heard too many lies and accusations to be part of anything. I knew why I got involved and it was time to step back. It was selfish on my part. Finding Hannah would have been the reward for all the troubles but I realized I was in it for the wrong reasons. I had made great friends some whom I liked more than the others, fallen in love with a total stranger, but again they were all relations built on forced circumstances. Once I had gotten home, I realized that the one thing I really wanted never existed. I took a business card out of my pocket and placed it on the desk, "Johnson's personal card. If you seem to be in trouble just call him. I believe he can help." Jake looked at me, "You are right. A deal is a deal." I looked away and walked outside the door. I heard Richy say something on lines of stop her or something. I was getting into my car when Richy ran towards me, "Really? You leave now? After everything?" I looked at him, "I need to Richy. You said so yourself. Time to end it." "So you are just going to walk away from everything because of the idiot?" Richy snapped. "Yes I am," I said. Richy looked at me not knowing what to say. I think he didn't expect me to say yes. I hugged him, "I am sorry. I wish I could stay but I can't. You're the best thing to come out of this Richy. You are an amazing guy. I wish you well." He hugged me back not saying anything. I let go off him and got into my car, "Bye Richy." I didn't wait for him to say anything.

I started the car and drove away. Richy had been right all along. I was doing this for Jake. Not Hannah. My judgement was clouded. To an extent I thought Jake was right too. How many times had I taken charge of the investigation and put the others in danger? Manipulated them. Lied to them. And all that for what? Hannah? No, it had not been for Hannah, it had always been for Jake. Though I felt bad that maybe Jake had played me to find Hannah, I had done something similar just because Jake said so. I wasn't ashamed of being played but I was ashamed of justifying it by saying that I was doing it for a good cause. Meeting Johnson was a wake-up call. Johnson never went against his principles no matter who was in front of him. Dad was the same. But I wasn't. I silently prayed that they found Hannah soon safe and sound. 

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