Part 49

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Warning: The upcoming chapters may be graphic and disturbing to some readers. Reader discretion is advised.

Please note that I will try my best to put the warnings on every chapter where this might be the case but caution is advised for all upcoming chapters.

Jake's POV

Anger and shock surged through me as I heard those words. Cleo continued, "He normally takes his time but since he is short on that, he must have already finished." I clocked my gun and aimed it at Cleo, "You think I will think twice before putting a bullet through your brain just because you are a woman?" Cleo looked at me, "I don't care. And even if you do, doesn't mean you can save her. How does it feel being so close to the finish line and losing?" I scoffed. I took the rope I had and tied her up. She didn't put up a fight. I walked to Richy and said, "If she even moves an inch, shoot her. Don't worry, I can handle the heat." I turned around when Richy asked, "Where are you going?" "I am going to find Jade. Stay with Hannah," I said sprinting towards the remaining bunkers. He was a man of habit. He would never leave his comfort zone. He wouldn't have the time. I hope I was right. I have to be right. My mind went into overdrive. I hoped Johnson was on the way. I looked at the directions. Three bunkers remained. Checking all three would have been a waste of time. He put Cleo next to Hannah's bunker to ward us, but there were many unknown parameters for him to be sure that we would reach Hannah's bunker first. So, either he took a wild guess or he assumed that we would search the bunkers in a particular order, starting between the six and moving opposite directions. I looked at the next three locations again. One was a few minutes away. The second was on the edge of the forest and the third one was halfway between the other two. Which one? Which one? Close to the finish line. Wasn't that what Cleo had said? To me. Finish line. The bunker second on my list. I was close to it and turned around because Richy said he found Jade. Could it be? One final thought and I sprinted towards the bunker second on my list. Please let me be right.

8 minutes later I was outside the second bunker. I cautiously approached it. I opened the door and peeked inside. Unlike the other bunkers, there was a light in this one and it looked fairly bigger. I stepped inside and walked as quiet as possible. It was absolutely silent. Finally, the smell hit me. The coppery smell of fresh blood. No no no. I sprinted in the direction and I immediately wished I had lost my sight before seeing this. She was there, hanging by the ceiling, her clothes drenched in blood, her mouth taped, her eyes closed, blood pooled on the floor around her. I ran towards her quickly, "Jade.... Can you hear me? Hey open your eyes." No response. I placed my gun away and reached for the ropes that were suspending her when I heard a click. I froze. "Are you really that stupid? You barged in here without checking the place completely? Now turn around." I heard a voice say. I turned around, my hands over my head and looked at the face of a complete stranger pointing a gun at me. But the look in his eyes was that of pure evil. A man. Older than me. Gray eyes. Who was he? He sensed my confusion. "You aren't Richy. You're the hacker guy." He said somberly. "Let her go," I said. "Where? I don't think she can walk anywhere with that many wounds," he said calmly. His face and clothes were covered in blood. Her blood. "Besides if I let her go then who would be your last victim?" he asked sinisterly. "My last victim?" I stammered. "Yes. Well, someone needs to be blamed for all of the women dying. All I have to do is shoot you and make it look like a suicide. Your guilt of killing these women consumed you so much so that you decided to kill yourself. So that makes you the perfect scapegoat. Unknown guy who has links to both Hannah and what's this girl's name? Ah. Jade. Just like the color of her eyes," he said. "Who are you?" I asked trying to stall him. "Oh, you don't know me. Trust me. But I will give you a name. Luke Peterson." He said. The first name did not ring a bell. The last name, however. "Chief Peterson?" I asked. "His son," the stranger remarked. "Why?" I asked. "I guess I was just made this way," he said with a smile.

"If you leave now, you get enough time to escape," I said. "Of course, but before that, there is one last thing to do," he said as he started to pull the trigger. I leaped at him. I guess he didn't expect that. He still had the gun. We struggled until I saw the stranger collapse down to the floor. I saw Richy standing behind him, holding the gun, "I wasn't sure of shooting him. My aim was very bad." I did not answer, just rushed to Jade. Richy followed me closely and as I go to untie her, he said, "Jake, don't do that." I stare at him. "Remember the plan?" he said handing over gloves to me. He moved past me and placed his fingers on her neck. "Her pulse is thready," he said as he started untying the ropes. I wore my gloves and tied up the stranger. Richy got her down on the floor, "We need to get her out of here. You up for it?" I nodded not trusting words. I was in a shock. Carefully we got her out of the bunker and laid her down on the ground. I collapsed next to her, shivers running down my body. Richy sat on the other side groaning, "Jake you need to leave." "No," I snapped. He was breathing heavily, he was wincing because of his injury, "Jake..." "No, I can't. I can't leave her and go," I said quietly, hearing voices coming from a distance. She was hurt badly. There was so much I had to say. There was so much I wanted to do. Anything to help her. To make her feel better. Why wasn't she waking up? Don't give up on me now. "Jake. Go now. If you don't go then all this would be for nothing." "I can't do it," I said again. "Jake listen to me if you don't walk away everything will be over. They are here and Jade will be fine, but you won't be. Don't do it for you, do it for her. She would want you to do it for her. Please." He said.

The voices grew closer to us as my mind took control over me. I didn't care about the plan or being caught. I just wanted to be by her side until she was fine. But would I be able to do that if I stayed back? I didn't have time to think of an answer. I struggled to get to my feet. Richy nodded, "I will be right by her side. I promise. Nothing will happen to her. Scout's honor." Not trusting words anymore, I kissed her hand and whispered, "You can't do this to me Jade. Wake up for me. I am sorry I broke my promise. Please forgive me." I looked away and ran through the darkness. Please be fine. Please.

Richy's POV

I watched Jake run away from us. I put Jade's head on my lap, intertwining my fingers with hers. I sighed. At least he got away. As soon as I saw him away in the distance, tears streamed down my face. I hated that I lied to him, but I had to do it. I had betrayed him. I had caused Jade to be in this situation. Her hands were getting colder as I felt my strength going away. I shook her softly, "Jade wake up please. I am sorry. It is my fault that this happened. We found Hannah. Come on Jade please. I love you. I can't be without you, please." "Richy? Jade?" I heard screams coming from close by. "Over here," I screamed. I saw flashlights running in our direction. Minutes later I saw Johnson put his hand on my shoulder, "Hey Richy." I slumped crying unconsolably, shaking my head. I saw people surrounding us, cops, paramedics and the others. A few went down the bunker. I held her hand tightly as Johnson shook me again. With the last of the strength, I had I said, "She's not breathing. She's not...breathing."

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