Part 25

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We were just getting parked right in front of Aurora. I stepped out of the car and Richy followed. I stopped in my tracks, "What are you doing?" I asked. "Walking in with you." He said. "No way. He won't talk with you around." I said. "Fine but if I see him get sleazy, I'm storming in." he said half-jokingly. I rolled my eyes and stepped in. Phil was behind the counter, intensely looking at a pile of papers. He looked up noticing my arrival. He smiled. I smiled back and sat at the counter. The place had a weird aura which I quickly realized was because there was no one even though the sun had fully set. "What can I get for an out of towner?" he asked smoothly. "I was expecting a crowded bar, but I guess Duskwood parties late?" I said. "Well not really, they have other reasons to not be here, but my evening is made since you walked in." he said. Smooth very smooth. "Thanks Phil. But I am here just because you invited me, and I told I would stop by." I said hoping that was introduction enough. He narrowed his eyes in deep thought. "Jade?" "Quickest introduction ever." I said smiling. His expression turned to distraught. "Not the best time for us to meet." He said. He poured whiskey in two glasses and gulped his glass down. "I need to talk to you." I said. "I didn't murder the girl if that's what you're asking." He said angrily.

"I know," I said. He looked at me, his eyes softening a bit, "What do you want to talk about?" "Ever heard of someone named Jennifer Or Iris Hanson?" I said. He took a deep breath and poured more whiskey in his glass. I slowly pushed the glasses away. I knew how it felt to drink away your worries and sorrows. Not a good sight to witness. "Great I can't drink in my own bar." He muttered. "That's precisely what you are supposed to do." I said "Phil, tell me. Why did you call me?" He groaned, "You asked me why Hannah called me on the day of her disappearance remember?" I nodded. "Well, she was calling to keep our visit to the Hanson house a secret." "So you were the one who went with Hannah." I said. "Yes, I went with her, which is surprising considering she has this amazing circle of friends keeping her company. If I were you, I would keep my distance from the lot." He said in an unfriendly tone. "Your sister is part of the group too." I snapped. "That's unfortunate." He reached for the glass again and I pushed it further away. "This game is not fun Jade." He said stubbornly.

"What happened at the Hanson house? What did Hannah tell Iris?" I asked ignoring his comment. "Don't know don't care. I was the chaperone. Just exchanged pleasantries with the Hanson woman and stood by the car. Hannah didn't have her car, so she wanted someone to drive her." He said. "Why did she ask you?" I asked. "Beats me. It's not like I had the hots for her or anything if you are getting jealous." He said. "Not in a million years. And then what?" I asked. "Dropped her home. She was cranky and sad. Wanted me to stay but I didn't." he said smugly. "Because you are such a gentleman?" I asked sarcastically. "Because I don't mess around with troublesome women especially when she is dating another man." He said stubbornly. I sat there watching him. He looked defeated and sad. He started reaching out I presumed for the glass again, so I reached out to push the glasses away but instead he grabbed my wrist, "You said you know that I didn't kill the girl. Does that mean you have evidence to prove that I'm innocent?" I was so shocked at the action that I did not even register the question properly. "I... I.." I fumbled finding words as his grip tightened around my wrist. "Tell me." He screamed. I did not have time to react as I heard a loud voice say, "Hands off her Phil." Richy stood next to me his hand almost about to grab Phil's collar.

"Ah the white knight is here," Phil said. He did not let go off my wrist yet, his eyes locked on with Richy. He finally let go off my wrist and said, "A word of advice Jade? Quiet ones like him are the freakiest." "Let's go Jade," Richy murmured. I stood up looking straight at Phil, "I need to see Iris. Will you come with me tomorrow?" I asked. He stared at me for a few seconds. "Sure. One condition. Captain America over here doesn't come." He said. "Deal." I said. Richy started protesting but I said, "Let's go Richy." We walked out to the car and sat in it without a word. As soon as I started driving, Richy exploded, "What the hell is wrong with you? Are you out of your mind? Going with that asshole alone?" I kept calm and said, "We need to talk to Iris, now she isn't going to talk to strangers. The only person she probably recognizes other than Hannah is Phil. So, we need Phil. And even if he asked for the freaking moon then I would have said yes." "Do you know how far off the reservation he has gone. He looked so unhinged. Of all the years I've seen him I never see him drinking on the job. Do you really want to be alone with him?" Richy asked. "Richy he just got out of the jail for a crime he didn't commit. In the eyes of everyone else he is a murderer. His bar which is probably the one thing he cares about has no one there. I know a broken man when I see one. He thinks we have the evidence to exonerate him. And that's what he was grasping at." I said.

Richy looked at me for a few moments and smiled. "What?" I asked. "I guess I know what's it about you? You have great compassion for everyone. But you know I'm not gonna help you tell Romeo this. He is going to flip." Richy said. "Thanks but what could really help me is to know where to drop you." I said. "What do you mean?" Richy asked. "I have to drop you and head back if you remember?" I said annoyingly. "You're kidding right? You are going to drop me home and go back to the house and then come back here in the morning again? How is that efficient?" he asked. "What do you suggest me to do?" I asked. "Stay with me tonight." Richy said shrugging his shoulders. "What? Are you joking?" I asked. "I don't joke about inviting women to my house." He said smirking. "Richy!?" I said getting irritated. "Okay honestly I think you should stay in Duskwood because it would be easier to go to the Hanson's in the morning. Driving back and forth must be killing you already." Richy said. He was right. It was troublesome to go back and forth. "Alright I'll stay." I said. Richy smiled again. "What now?" I asked. "I thought I would have to convince you some more to spend the night with me." He said winking at me. "Ok I changed my mind, I'm going back," I retorted. "Okay I'm sorry. I'm just messing with you Jade." He said. "I never thought you would have this side to you." I said. "Well maybe its time you get to know every side of me Jade." Richy said.

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