Maya points at Riley. "You shut your face."

Riley shakes her head. "It's time."

"What's the matter with you?" Maya questioned. 

"We're changing."

"We're not." Maya told Riley, shaking her head. 

"Maya, the most important things in our lives are changing." Riley said. "The bay window is one of the most important things in our lives. It's changing us. It's time."

"Riley, look at me." As Maya speaks, Riley turns to face her. Primrose looks at Maya, seeing how upset she was by this. "Some things mean too much to us to ever change. I don't want this place to ever change. Look at me and tell me that you understand that."

"Maya," Riley looks at the blonde with a small smile. "It's time."

"No." Maya shakes her head. "You don't have my permission for this."

"You have my permission." Primrose said to Riley. 

Maya looks at her with wide eyes. "What? Why are you giving her permission for doing something like this? I know this bay window means as much to you as it does to me." 

Primrose turns to Maya, looking at her with a smile. "I'm giving her permission to do this because this is her room. She can decide whatever she wants to do with us and being the great friend she is she asked us permission before she changed her bay window which is something important to all of us."

Maya's lips curves downwards. "But this place has always been my sanctuary before the storm." 

"And it still will be." Primrose tells her, shrugging her shoulders a bit. "It will just look different."

"Thank you for giving me your permission, Rosie." Riley smiled, happy that Primrose backed her up on this and gave her permission.

Primrose looks at her with a smile. "You're welcome, Riles." 

"And Maya," Riley takes her hand off of Primrose's knee as she turns to Maya. "We're doing it."

"It never mattered what was going on outside these windows." Maya sighs, "When I sit here with you and Rosie, I'm safe. We're not changing that."

"You looking forward to high school?" Riley asked her.

Maya shakes her head. "We still don't know if that's gonna happen!"

"Maya, it's going to happen." Riley chuckles. "You stink at change, and I want to hit the ground running from the very first day while Rosie checks on us no matter what happens."

"I stink at change?" Maya questioned, pointing at herself.

"Oh, yeah." Primrose nodded. 

Maya looks at Riley. "Remember when you were afraid that Lucas was changing? Remember when you said 'Change fills my pockets with pennies of uncertainty.'" 

"And you," Maya turns to Primrose, pointing at her. "You're not so great at change either. Remember when you didn't want to move away from here? Remember when you hid your feelings from Farkle because you were afraid if your feelings were out in the open it would ruin your friendship with him?"

Primrose stays silent, looking at the floor knowing that Maya was right. Primrose had to admit she was kind of bad with things changing. Maya shakes her head, looking at her and Riley. "Both of you stink at change." 

"Yes, but I've changed." Riley said. She smiles. "Maya, it's a natural part of growing up. We're changing whether you like it or not."

Maya pouts, shaking her head. "Not." 
She takes a shaky breath before she speaks again. "Okay? You know what's natural? The way the sun comes in through these windows, and the pillows are warm when you put your head on them, or...How the moon glows off of the curtain and we don't care that it's the middle of the night because we're here, and we're safe, and we're protected."

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