"No Murder."

"What did you do?" Izuku asked.

"Murder everyone."

"What will you not do?" Izuku asked.


"Ground Above will sound fine. I can be Ground Below. We can have opposite hero names just like our quirk. Your quirk can make fire and fire goes up and not down so add the above part. Also lava somehow goes up too so it works. My quirk can make water and water doesn't go up unless some sort of earthquake happens." Izuku said.

"Fine..." Katsuki said.

Izuku wrote his hero name and walked towards the front. He then flipped his whiteboard.

'Ground Below'

"Interesting... acceptable." Midnight said.

Izuku walked back to his seat. Katsuki stomped up to the front and slammed his whiteboard again onto the podium.

'Ground Above'

"Are you both twinning?" Midnight asked.

"Our quirk is similar and why not? Fire burns upward up. Water doesn't go up unless there's some sort of earthquake." Izuku said.

"Understandable. Ok." Midnight said.


"Kacchan, are you interning with the same person I chose?" Izuku asked, stealing some of Katsuki's extra spicy curry.

"I think so. Unless you did some fucking 180° and not choose that fucking person." Katsuki said. "I chose  the fucking pencil top."

"Great, we have same intern!" Izuku said, glomping Katsuki.

~Intern Start~

"Ok guys. Today is where we part ways for internships. Do not cause the heroes to have more work than they usually have and shoo, get out my face." Aizawa said. The students except Izuku, Katsuki and Shinso left to ride their transportation.

"Ok you brats, follow me..." Aizawa said, walking towards UA. They arrived at a gym in UA.

"My gut is telling me Iida." Izuku said, climbing on Katsuki to be higher than him, then poking his cheeks.

"Fucking 4eyes look like he's going to fucking murder someone." Katsuki said, holding on Izuku so he doesn't fall off.

"I agree with Bakugo this time. Just this time." Shinso said.

"We'll see what will happen. Midoryia will tell us if something happens. So let's just practice hand-to-hand combat. No quirk allowed for our training here." Aizawa said.

~Time Skip Tomorrow lunch(day 2 intern)~

"Kacchannnnnn givee me someeee!" Izuku whinned, wanting the spicy curry.

"No, get your own!" Katsuki said, scooting his plate away.

"Kac-" Izuku stopped talking and looking in his bag for a pen and an empty notebook but finding doodle notebooks instead. Katsuki looked at Izuku and saw purple eyes.

"Dumb Nerd..." Katsuki muttered, taking out a green covered notebook from his bag and pushing it towards Izuku before taking another bite of the curry.

Shinso in the background: 👁👄👁 'WeeWoo Purple eye alert! I need to go tell dad. Dad owes me a month worth of coffee.' Shinso thought, getting up from the bench and running towards teacher's lounge. The students in the cafeteria turned their attention towards 3 of them.

Izuku scribbled everything he saw and sketched the scene while making a big hourglass(2times bigger than normal one that he made). Aizawa and Shinso arrived running into the cafeteria. Aizawa saw the hourglass and it was a big hourglass with a lot of ice sand so Aizawa stopped running and walked towards them. Katsuki looked at the hourglass. "It will fucking happen tomorrow about 2PM"

Aizawa & Shinso : 👁👄👁

"What? You guys can't fucking learn how to like read a fucking hourglass?" Katsuki asked.

"I could read a hourglass... but that is bigger than normal hourglass." Aizawa said, pointing the giant hourglass.

"I was correct!" Izuku said, punching the air. "Iida and murder!" Izuku finished. Aizawa looked at Izuku.

"Iida tried to murder?" Aizawa asked.

"Yep yep. It was failed attempt. Nice time to save a 4eyes-stick-up-my-ass-robot-arms and a hero before they die... oh yeah, lots of nomus will be there causing havoc. Endewhore is going to be there with IcyBurn" Izuku said eating frozen curry ice cube that he stole from Katsuki's lunch.

~Somewhere In Hosu~


"I'm catching a cold... this is bad. I need to be in tip-top shape incase if he attacks again."

~Back In UA~

"Where is it?" Aizawa said.

"Hosu I guess. Iida wants to get revenge on Hero Killer: Stain for his brother." Izuku said, eating sorbet he made with lemon juice in a juice box he had in his pocket(no... not lemonade).

"Jeez... ok. We are going to stay at Hosu for the night instead of staying the night here... meet me at UA entrance gate." Aizawa said, walking away.

Izuku, Katsuki and Shinso walked towards the dorm. Katsuki bit off a piece from Izuku's lemon sorbet. They went to pack 2days worth of clothes and stuff they need. After they finished packing they walked to the UA entrance gate.

"Ok, we're going to take a train there. We'll stay at a hotel. Midoryia and Bakugo is sharing a room and Shinso will be sharing a room with me." Aizawa said, going on a train. The 3 followed him.

Once they arrived in Hosu, they find the nearest Hotel they could find and Aizawa paided the bills.

"We will patrol starting tomorrow 12PM so be ready by then." Aizawa said before going into his and Shinso's shared room.

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