"AlRiGHt, LeT'S Go." He mentioned for his family to go first before following them and closing the portal. The change in temperature was immediate; the gentle warmth of Dragontale being replaced by the suffocating one of Hotland. Not like it actually bothered them, they had been in different Hotlands too much to care now. Drako took a seat on the edge, his legs dangling above the lava underneath him. He was soon joined by Torment.

"So... What do we have to do?" Drako turned slightly to look at Blade before answering. "I aCtuAlLy HaVE No IdEA SiNCE My ThINg WaS NaTuRe... WhEN I trIED, I wEnT To FlY AbOVe ThE LaVA To sEe If I FeLT DiFfErENT aND PoSSIbLy StRoNGer. PsYcHE DiDn'T sAy I wAs DoInG AnYThINg WrOng So I GuEsS It'S WhAT YoU HAvE To DO?" He ignored Blade muttering about casually committing suicide through lava bath.

Both dragons turned toward the lava, staring at it; one with curiosity, the other with slight worry. "Can I go first?" Blade, the worried one, turned his gaze toward Demise for a second before shrugging, turning back toward the hot liquid. "Sure."

Demise muttered a small 'thank you' before jumping from Drako's shoulder, easily managing to stabilize himself in the air just above the lava. He stayed above it for a few seconds, flying around calmly, before a sudden warmth enveloped his SOUL, making him freeze in surprise. "Hey, what am I supposed to do if this is the right one?" He didn't need to scream to be heard, his voice echoing enough to reach the two other Gods.

"YoU NeEd TO FocUs ON YoUR SOUL... ThAT'S WhAT YoU SaiD, RighT PSyCHE?" He felt his Voice companion nod. "Yep, he must let his SOUL guide him. It's hard to explain, but just like for you, it's should be instinctive." Drako nodded. "AlRiGHt, I wAS rIghT, FoCuS And LeT YoUR SOUL GuIdE YoU. ThANk YoU PsYcHE" Psyche nodded, seeming happy to be able to help even after their duty was fulfilled. "You're welcome Glitchy~"

Demise nodded, focusing on the soft beating of his SOUL. He felt a sudden spike of energy run through his body, making him close his eyes for a second, feeling more alive than ever, before opening them again. Once he did, flames started to rise from the lava, forming a tornado of fire around him. The flames were blue with some being black.

Demise let out a powerful roar and the tornado suddenly exploded, sending flames all around him. The flames stayed for a few seconds before evaporating in the air like fireworks. Demise smiled happily, flying back toward his family. "I guess we found my element." It explained why he felt oddly energized when they burned that shed... He just thought that he had a pyromaniac hidden side that even he didn't know about. The more you know.

The three others nodded, smiling at the sight of the black dragon who, for once, seemed full of energy. And without having any drop of coffee in his organism! "It SeEMs LiKE It, CONgRAtUlAtIOn DeMiSE." Said dragon smiled brightly in response, feeling better than he expected after this experience. He flew back on Drako's shoulder, on which he snuggled close to the skeleton's neck with a happy purr. Torment felt Blade's worry and sighed softly.

"Don't worry, we'll catch you if something goes wrong." The white dragon had a problem with flying. Not that he was bad at it; quite the opposite actually! But he always feared that an accident might happen while he was in the air. Flying above lava was therefore quite scary for him, even if he knew that his family would save him if anything went wrong. Blade sighed and, after feeling Torment pet him in encouragement, he jumped toward the lava. He flew just above the same way Demise did, quite proud that he managed to stabilize himself so fast.

He stayed there for a few seconds before shaking his head, going back on Torment's shoulder. "Nope, nothing for me." Drako nodded and hummed softly. "LeT's TRy BiRdtALe ThEN." That being said, Torment opened a portal toward the AU, landing directly on one of the canyon's cliff. He looked up for a second and cursed silently. "We'll have to be fast, some habitants are training here. I don't think that the Sans of the AU is here but let's not risk our luck."

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