Chapter 1

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~ Fear Is The Path To The Dark Side. Fear Leads To Anger. Anger Leads To Hate. Hate Leads To Suffering. ~


I groaned as I woke up and felt the familiar ache in my body. Yesterday have been horrible like always, her brother Dylan pushed her against a tree and slap her in the face when she denied to do his homework. Then Britney spill a whole pop in her face with the whole school watching for no reason. And when she got home her Dad was already there from work and since her mom was out with her friends, he demand Sera took cook for him. 


"Uh! This is disgusting! You put too much salt in this shit! Britney cooks better than you!" he yelled as he pick up the glass of juice and threw at her. I cry out in pain as it hit my head. Her vision started getting blurry from her tears but she quickly moved out of the way when she saw the plate coming her way, he curse under his breath as he stormed out of the kitchen. She felt blood drip from her forehead where a piece of glass had cut her. But she knew she will heal quickly so she didn't bother to wipe away the blood.

Britney never cooked in her life, she would always forced me to cook and then make it look like she did it. But every time I get nervous I make the food either too salty or with out taste at all. 

I quickly started to clean before my mom got here. But I guess I wasn't lucky enough because not 2 seconds pass when she barged in through the door with all her friends laughing with bags in their hands.

She heard them gasped and turn her head to look at her mother.

"What the hell happen here?!" Her mom said. "Nothing I will clean up" she knew telling her about what happen seconds earlier with her Dad was no use. She will always side with him.

"You better! That the only shit you good at!" she snarled and her mother friends giggle quietly.

"Come on ladies let go to my room, let the trash clean the trash" she snickered as she left. I sigh as I close my eyes trying to fight tears, I quietly clean everything. Soon her mother friends started leaving and when the door was close. She pushed Sera against the wall. She try her best not to whine as she felt a pain in her back. 

"What were you trying to do?! Huh!" her mom yelled at her. And she cringed at the sound.

"I didn't do anything-"  but before she could continued her mother grip her jaw and forced her to look up. She could see her mother eyes full of hate and anger. 

"The next time you try to embarrassed me like that I will lock you up in the basement and starved you to death, do you hear me?!" she hissed and I nodded.

"Speak! You got a mouth use it!" and I whispered a 'yes' and she look at me disgusted and drop her hand.

"I don't even know why I gave birth to you in the first place! You a waste of time! Why can't you be like Britney" she said as she walk to her room. I try my best to ignored her words even though they always hurt. I was going to my room to get cleaned up when Dylan stop me.

"Bitch you got my work done" he said as he grab hold of my wrist."I was going to do it" I said as I try to walk away but his tighten to a painful one that I almost felt my wrist break, I step on his foot hard and ran to my room, and locked it before he got in.

"You will pay for that!" he yelled from outside my door before I heard him go away. I didn't come out after that because of fear.

Every night I convince myself tomorrow is going to be different, but it never is.

Out of my whole family I fear Dylan the most, he makes me his punchbag every time he is angry. My last beating was like a month ago, and he only hit me because I didn't do what he said when his 'friends' were over, later that night he came to my room and broke one of my ribs, my stomach had bruises over two weeks. And my face look like crap with a broken nose and a split lip. My parents didn't even believe me when I told them it was Dylan. They called me a liar and my mom even had the nerve to say that I was beaten from whoring around, when I never had a boyfriend in my life. Hell I never had a friend everyone pretty much hates me, but I don't know why? I got up and clean myself  and went to sleep hoping this time I didn't get any nightmares.

Flashback End

I got up and took a shower and got ready for school. My stomach grumble reminding me I haven't eaten in almost two days. I quietly made my way to the kitchen to see my sister Britney.

"About time you got your lazy ass up!" she spat out as she re-applied make up on her face for the fifth time this morning, I just ignored her as I went to open the fridge to see it empty. I close it and check the cabinet just to find cereal and a health bar. I took the healthy bar and walk to school. I could only hope that my brother Dylan and his gang weren't there, they always hit me or take my stuff away from me and it gets worse when I try defend myself. Some of the teachers see it but they never do anything, since it's a school for wolves they believe we supposed to be strong and defended ourselves. And besides everyone is scared of Dylan since he is the future beta of the pack. 

Thankfully nobody was outside or in the hallways, as I grasp the handle of my homeroom I was brutally pull away and a hand was placed on my mouth and my body stiff as I recognized who it was.

"Hey Sera" Neil whisper in my ear as I struggle in his arms. He was from Dylan gang and he would always try to assault me when I was alone. 

"How about me and you have a little fun" he said as I try with all my strength to get out of his grip but he was way more stronger than me. I felt my heart almost come out of my chest as he dragged me to the exit door. 

Oh No! No! No! No!

"Look what I got" he call out and push me so hard that I fell to the ground. 

"Shut the door" said a voice and I look up to see Dylan leaning on a wall smirking evilly at me.

"I told you, you will pay" he said I got up and try to run, but he grabbed me from the hair and pull me back down.

"Dylan-" I try to talk but he kick my stomach and I cry out in pain.

"N-no, please stop-" I plead through my tears but he ignored me and kept beating me senseless.

The last thing I remember is a bloody fist coming to my face and then...


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A/N Sorry if my grammar is bad, I will edit it later on.

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