I pick Theo up, with tears in my eyes. Daniel walks over, kissing Theo on the head and hugging us both.

"I can't believe I could've missed that" Daniel whispers


Daniel and I are currently looking at houses, trying to find one for our growing family. We found two cute ones but they're both out of the way and too fair away from everyone we know.

I'm trying to convince Daniel to look at a house I like but he refuses because it's on the same street as Jack's house.

They haven't hung out or talked unless it's for work.

"Please, can we just go look at it?" I whine but Daniel shakes his head

"Is it going to make you shut up about it?" He chuckles but I know he's serious

"Yes, yes it will"

"Fine, put in the address" Daniel sighs as I put in the address and he drive to Jack's street.

When we arrive to the house, the outside already looks bigger than all the others we looked at. It's got a huge front yard with a cute white picket fence.

The realtor takes us inside and it's absolutely gorgeous. Nice wooden floors, and a gorgeous kitchen. It's got five bedrooms, four bathrooms. A space where Daniel could have his studio and it's even got a pool in the backyard.

"So, what do you think?" The realtor asks with a wide smile.

"I love it! What about you, Daniel?" I squeeze his hand, hoping for a good answer

"I hate that I love it" Daniel rolls his eyes with a cheeky smile

"So.." I smile, standing on my tip toes to kiss his cheek

"Can we get back to you about it tomorrow?" Daniel asks and I sigh. He's really turning down this gorgeous house because of his best friend. I can't believe it

"Of course but anything past tomorrow I'm going to have to show other clients this house"

"We'll let you know tomorrow" Daniel smiles while I walk out of the house, getting in the car, slamming the door

Daniel walks over with his eye brows raised, getting into the car cautiously.

"That was rude" Daniel says starting up the car

"You're really turning this house down because it's four houses down from Jack, aren't you?" I cross my arms

"Look, I'm just scared, okay? What if you have feelings for him, or what if you decide to get drunk and sleep with him again? I can't lose you again, I just can't" Half way through the sentence Daniel let's tears start to fall down his face. I try my best to hug him over the centre console, it's hard, but I manage.

"I promise you, with everything that I have, I've never had feelings for Jack and I'll only be sleeping with you if I'm drunk, which won't be for the next foreseeable future but it won't be with anyone but you. I love you, okay? You aren't losing me anytime soon" I pull out of the hug, wiping a few tears from under his eyes.

He gives me a quick kiss before heading out of the car.

"I'll be right back" He smiles before going back into the house.

I question what he's doing but I let him go with it.

Not long after he comes back out with the realtor. She's got a clipboard in hand and a smile on her face. Daniel opens my car door before holding a hand out to help me out.

"I just need you to sign here ma'am" the realtor smiles handing me a pen

"What? What am I signing?" I laugh nervously before taking the pen

"You like this house, right?" Daniel asks with a guilty smile

"Well yeah, but-"

"Sign the paper" Daniel smiles. I look down at the paper being handed to me. It's a property deed. Meaning, we're buying the house. I smile widely, signing the paper, handing it back then jumping into Daniels arms

"I love you" I whisper

"I love you more"

"You two can start moving in next month!" The realtor cheers, but Daniels smile drops

"Is there anyway we could make it sooner?"

"What? Why?" I question

"The boys and I are going on a mini radio tour" I roll my eyes. Of course he tells me last minute

"For how long?"

"Just four months. I'll be back before the babies are born, I promise" Daniel gives me a sympathy look, which he knows I can't be mad at

"It's okay, Tyler and Christian can help me move" I force a smile, not wanting this unexpected news to ruin today.

"I'll be eight months when you get back, you better not miss it!" I jokingly smack his shoulder as he laughs

"I'll talk to the previous house owners, see if we can get you in earlier but no promises" The realtor waves us goodbye and we get into our car.

"How long have you known about the "small" tour? You're going to miss Theo's birthday"

"Maybe a month, but I didn't want to tell you because we just got news about the twins and I was just getting you back. I'm so sorry Y/n, I know it's no excuse" I nod my head, letting him know I heard what he said, but I have no response

That's My Baby, season twoWhere stories live. Discover now