Zhongli had gotten up by then, sneaking over to his side. The both of them knew Scaramouche was focused on you. You were strong enough to continue for now without giving in, so they began planning together.

Distracting him was best. Zhongli offered to go and join you, cresting more loudness for Xiao to sneak around with.

"Alright, go now. I'll signal you when I'm ready, grab onto him so he can't hurt (Y/n) during this." Xiao directed.

Zhongli took a deep breath before running by your side. He saw how terrified you looked, Scaramouche still focused on taunting you.

He chanted loudly next to you, grabbing your hand so you knew he was there. You cracked an eye open to see him smiling. You calmed yourself, still continuing what you knew, smiling back at him.

The two of you focused on Scaramouche, shouting. Xiao once again picked up the dagger, fighting against the strong winds to make it over to the man.

You noticed, however focused on Scaramouche so he wouldn't. He was still taunting you, telling you that he would take everyone in the room if you didn't give in.

"If you don't come with me, I'll kill both of these idiots. You'll be all alone, I can easily find anyone you know~!" He sang.

Zhongli glanced at you to see that you weren't phased in the slightest. You trusted them to get the job done, and knew they wouldn't fail. All would be fine is what you told yourself.

Xiao managed to get himself close to the demon, giving Zhongli a nod.

"Keep it up." Zhongli told you, letting go of your hand.

You continued getting louder, watching the two men carry out their plan.

Xiao bent down, picking up a handful of salt from the floor. Zhongli swiftly grabbed the short man in front of him, holding back his arms.

Xiao stood, throwing the handful of salt at him. Scaramouch hissed, pushing Zhongli to the ground. Xiao wasted no time in throwing the dagger, knowing he wouldn't be able to get close to him.

The aim was perfect, flying straight into his body. He began to shout a string of curses, glaring at all of you.

Zhongli stood, dragging Xiao along over to you. The three of you surrounded Scaramouche together, chanting. His body began to fade back into the smoke it appeared as.

"I'll be back for you one day! Each and everu one of you.. I'll find a way. Once you've messed with me, you're already as good as dead." He laughed.

Though you hadn't a clue as to how a small dagger could get rid of a demon, it worked and you were glad. Still, you continued changing, hand in hand with the other two.

Scaramouche continued taunting You even though his time was up. His body and the smoke that made up his form gradually began to fade more and more.

Zhongli let go of your hand, leaving you and Xiao. He walked over to the book, flipping to one of the last pages.

He began repeating a different phrase than the one you and Xiao continued. It seemed to be a closing spell, one to seal Scaramouche away. To send him back to where he came from.

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The heaviness in the room had lifted, and the atmosphere was calm. The three of you stood in silence for a moment, processing what had happened.

Xiao was the one to break the silence, pulling off his mask to give you a nod.

"You did well for your first exorcism." He joked, a small smile on his face.

"Is this a job offer?" You laughed.

Zhongli laughed as well, walking over next to Xiao.

"If you'd like, I'll consider it one." He chuckled.

"Hell yeah, that sounds awesome!" You shouted.

"Well then, we can speak of the details later if you're truly serious. It takes training and knowledge, which you don't have much of right now. However, before we go into any of this, your friend seems to be coming to and we all need to rest for a little while." He replied, placing his mask on the table.

"We'll leave the two of you be for now. I'm sure Xiao would like to have some of that tofu, anyways." Zhongli smiled.

The two of them began talking and walking upstairs. You paid no mind to whatever they were speaking of. For now, your focus was on Childe.

Within the few minutes you sat down next to him, he'd began groaning. He moved around, possibly confused or just waking up.

Soon enough, his eyes slowly opened. He was at first confused, until he looked over to see you.

"How do you feel?" You asked.

"My head does hurt, but I feel better with such a lovely face staring at me." He mumbled, joking around.

"You had me worried, you know. I didn't think I'd see you again, but luckily Xiao and Zhongli agreed to help." You sighed.

"I know, I know. Forgive me, sweetheart, I though it would be better for you. Now then, you never told me true exact reason for coming back." He smirked, still holding his head.

"Hmm... I'll think about telling you. You need rest and so do I... Plus Xiao and Zhongli will be waiting for us upstairs. Are you able to get up?" You asked, gently holding one arm around his shoulder.

"I'm alright, darling. Let's just stay for a few minutes though, alright?" He tiredly chuckled.

You nodded in response, sitting back against the wall behind you. Childe began to stare at you.

"Need something?" You asked.

"Uh, yeah, where's my 'i missed you so much' hug?!"

You rolled your eyes but wrapped your arms around him, holding him tightly. He did the same, almost knocking you over.

"Aggressive much? Seems like you're the one who missed me." You laughed.

"Can't deny that." He chuckled

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Childe finally agreed to get up so the both of you could go back to you apartment. You stretched, walking over to the door.

"Wait a sec." He said, stopping you from opening the door.

"What is it? We can't have Xiao and Zhongli thinking there's something going on here, hurry up!" You chuckled.

He grabbed both of your hands, looking at you with a smile on his face.

"I don't know if you had other reasons than what I know, but thank you. I love you." He said.

"I love you too. There is one more reason though!" You grinned.

"What would that be?" He asked, a confused look on his face.

"So you can go see your siblings!" You shouted.

He had the biggest smile you'd ever seen him with, once again hugging you.

"You really are the best, you know! You're coming with me, too. After all, I'm sure they'd love to meet my sweetheart~!" He said, kissing your forehead.

With that, the two of you walked upstairs, having a chat with the other two. They'd given advice on being carefully, telling you not to do such s thing again. You said your goodbyes for the day, ready to head back home finally.

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i hope this doesn't seem rushed but i was unsure on what to do once scaramouchê goes away sorry bout that and any mistaaakes👹

my cat is giving me judgmental looks for singing lady gaga songs to him😢😕😩

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