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We finished our meal as we walk around the mall. It is still early and I don't wanna go home yet. We went to the cinema and he look at me as if asking to check it out to which I agreed. When we enter the cinema, I notice how the movies that will be showing next is a horror movie.

"The movie is a horror one. . will you be ok?"

He shook his head, no so we again walk around until we reached the clothing section. I saw different kinds of clothing and before I utter a word, Jake already went to the section of hoodies and jackets.

"Do you want a hoodie?"

He nodded before looking at me and grabbing a hoodie from the rack. It's a gray one and I really like how it looks. He also grab one in white color, the same one like the gray but smaller.  With a smile, he went to the counter and paid for it immediately. As they handed him the bag, he begin to walk again.

"My feet are tired"

I laughed at his remark and trust me, I can feel it too. Imagine spending hours skating then walk and walk again.

"Let's have take out? Or we'll grab some out there?"

"Take out, let's buy auntie some"

I nodded before grabbing my phone and dialing my mom's number.

"Hey sweetheart.  . are you and Jake doing fine?"

"Yes mom, we got tired from walking so we're coming home. We plan to have some take out, do you want anything?"

"Ooh .. . ah get me some McDonalds spicy chicken, get two and don't forget my fries and my sundae. Uhm I also want a large coke. Hmm and a big Mac as well. . did you get that honey?"

"Got it mom. We'll be heading there now. Wait for a bit"

I hung up and Jake is laughing again.

"What's funny?"

He showed me his phone and he's looking at some memes. Wow, I love that he's enjoying laughing.

We drove to McDonalds and ordered everything before driving home.

"Mom, food's here!"


We walk in the dining and place all the food on the table as Jake went to grab some plates and utensils as I don't do well with plastic utensils. I always broke them and my mom always like to eat from a plate.

While eating, I shared what we did in the mall, of course leaving the part of the kiss and the walk around the mall.

In the midst of my story, I didn't notice how a foam from my coffee found its way to my upper lip creating a mustache and Jake suddenly broke into a fit of giggles and realizing how I haven't told my mom about that, her eyes are wide in shock.

"Ah . . .yes Jake just start laughing when we're at the ice rink"

"Oh my gosh . . Jake. . . I'm so happy. .  let's tell your mom . . "

Mom said before standing up and grabbing her phone and face timed Jake's mom and not long after, she appeared on screen. 

"Hey big sis . . how are you doing? Ooh that's a lot of food. . "

Jake's mom looks like she's in an office. Of course she's in an office. Jay once mentioned how Jake and his family is extra rich.

"Hey . . I have good news . . "

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒚 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒔 (𝑬𝑵- 𝑱𝒂𝒌𝒆𝑯𝒐𝒐𝒏) ✔Where stories live. Discover now