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I smiled as I cuddle the fluffy penguin Sunghoon got me in the game. My mind travelled back to those scenes where he laughed when he didn't hit the target, how he almost fly when he won the toy and when he looks surprised when I gave him the puppy. All my life of being mute, I began to feel scared of the outdoors and my mom became so strict that I am not to go outside. I also began to fear going outside because I'm scared of people looking at me when they see me do hand signs. I hate the look on their faces and I don't even know why.

My eyes started to feel heavy as I slowly close them as I cuddle the penguin. It feels so comfortable actually. My mind was just occupied by a certain someone who looks like a royalty from a fairy tale story. As I slept, I slept so soundly that night.

I woke up with the feeling of the sun on my face. I look around and I saw the penguin beside me making me smile. Gosh it looks so adorable. I went to the bathroom and freshen up before I open the door of my room but instead of seeing Sunghoon's room in front of me, I saw a different room, my old room to be exact.

My body tensed as memories of that room flashed before my eyes and speaking too soon, I saw myself as a kid opening the door and running outside laughing like crazy as I shout.

"Jackie hurry ! Daddy is gonna get you!"

My voice does sound good. I kinda miss it though, but at the same time, I hate to hear it as it reminds me of those moments.

Tears fell on my face when I saw her emerge from the door as Dad runs after us. Her hair is in a beautiful pony tail, not any hair out of place and her dress is now wrinkled from all the running.

I am speaking loudly some words I don't even understand.

I was watching us when the room vanished and I sobbed when I saw that horrible scene of me and Jackie on the ground, blood is everywhere and a truck is also there. My knees felt weak when I saw how her eyes slowly closed and her body go limp. That event is fresh in my memory, as if it happened yesterday.

Just then, I was again back at the house but this time, I am so silent and there they are again, laughing at me. 

I didnt know how I became mute but last thing I heard about that condition is a few weeks after the funeral. They said it's sort of a traumatic event and that I will soon speak.

"You killed her Jake, you did it. You should be punished for that"

They all say that.

I think that's why I lose hope of speaking as every time I open my mouth, they will blame me and remind me over and over again that it was my fault.

My fault on the other hand  is actually believing them.


My breathing increased as I saw my young self about to do my worst nightmare but before I saw that, the door opens and I saw a familiar puppy stuff toy. Am I back in the present? I ran inside Sunghoon's room only to see myself standing beside his bed with a knife on my hand.

Why do I see another me?

No this isn't real. ..

Someone wake me up please .. 

I saw him.. . 

Sunghoon is lying lifeless on his bed with blood all over. My eyes drifted to my left and I screamed as I saw Jay on the ground, the same state as Sunghoon.

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒚 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒔 (𝑬𝑵- 𝑱𝒂𝒌𝒆𝑯𝒐𝒐𝒏) ✔Where stories live. Discover now