Chapter 1

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Time Will Tell



  Lord Elrond never told anyone of the visions he had, he never told anyone about the voice that told him. That he needed to make the right choices. It has been three years since Elrond has seen his vision of his future daughter, and now it is early January.

  Never knowing when she would come, was getting the best of him. Not that he was forcing it or anything, but either way it did not seem like it was anytime soon...... or so he thought.


  She did not expect this to be happening in this point in time. For she had been feeling ill for the past couple of weeks, but she just put it off with no second guessing. She thought she was done carrying children.

  Celebrían, Lady of Rivendell and Lothlóríen was pregnant with her fourth child.

"And final." Celebrían stated.

  She cursed the Winter Festival. Now do not get Celebrían wrong she was over joyed that she was expecting again, but how would her other family members take the news?

  Of course her parents would just have another one to spoil. Celebrían had no doubt that they would love another grandson or granddaughter. Then she went to her husband and children's reaction to the news. Elrond would be filled with joy to have a penneth, in the family.

(Oh, but the children.)

  She thought, now pacing back and forth in her mind. Maybe they would enjoy a little brother or sister. I mean they love little children any way.

  But, then her mind darkened at the thought of the hateful reactions, her family could have.

  What if Elrond does not want this child? What if he does not care?

(Oh, that is ridiculous. Of course Elrond would care for the child. But, what of my oldest children?)

  All three of their children were over two thousand years old. What if they do not care for the youngest.

  Celebrían remembers that sometimes Elladan and Elrohir would have to watch over Arwen when she was younger; however, they despised looking after her.

  Tears formed in her eyes, but she did not care. Her mind kept thinking of horrible reactions. She did not notice tears coming down her face one by one. Celebrían had her arms wrapped around herself. It was not until a soft gentle voice whispered her name.

"Celebrían?", said Elrond, 'Melamin?' "Why are you crying?"

  Celebrían looked at her husband realizing she was on the floor, but she did not give him an answer. Only more tears came.

  Elrond went and knelt down beside his wife, wrapping his arms around her. Elrond tried to enter in to Celebrían's mind, hoping to find the answer himself. Though he did not get the chance to see before Celebrían quickly blocked all her thoughts from him.

"I know your tricks, 'Melleth.'" Celebrían said weakly.

"Please, my love tell me why are you crying." Elrond begged.

  After a few moments of silence and tears, Celebrían spoke.

"Elrond," She said weakly, "there is something you need to know."


( ) - Thoughts

' ' - Elvish

Penneth - Little One

Melamin/Melleth - My Love

I promise the stories will be longer as we go along.

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