Chapter twenty four - Morning

Beginne am Anfang

But I couldn't care less about Toms sleep schedule, my mind was on Dumbledore. 'Something on your mind?' I could hear Toms voice, I gazed up at the boy who's face was neutral, he was completely calm. 'I've been practicing you know' he's voice spoke again. His lips still and presses firmly into a thin line. Telepathy. I skill I only used with my father. Manly because he's one of the only legilimense that I know who can do it. 

'All for me I'm flattered' 

'I need the practising' 

'but I am the catalyst for your practising' 

'Take it as you will I like being able to talk to you with out drawing to much attention, I have Arithmancy first and I believe you do too' 

I was confused but soon realised Alexa had taken a glimpse of my time table this morning, he must have found it through her. 'Dear Alexa can't keep her mind closed, I love her but I must teach her some basic skills' 

"Hey Live, you coming?" I broke the connection between Tom and I to look at Janelle who was waiting by the door. 

"Coming" I turned to look at Tom, who's eyes were still glued on me. 

'Till Arithmancy, Tom' 

'Till Arithmancy, Live' 

I quickly joined Janelle, Lastrange and Avery at the door. I glanced over the room once more. Alexa was in a deep conversation with Mafloy and Pam was sat googling and Nott. Tom was still stat in his chair with a large black book in his hands he's eyes were stuck on this one page with I could see him re-reading the same paragraph over and over. Then we slipped out the portraits hole to breakfast. 

"Why were you and Riddle having a staring contest?" Avery asked as we passed through the halls filled with loud chatter. "It was nothing, truly" 

"sure it was definitely 'nothing',  anyways Alexa and Pam seemed to have made an impression on the guys" Lastrange replied, running his hand trough his hair. 

"Yeah Nott wouldn't shut up about how Pam was so interesting and funny, god I almost puked" Avery replied, sticking his tongue out. "Well we can say Pam feels the same" Janelle laughed. 

"What do you think of Hogwarts so far, Live? I know you've only been here three days but any impressions?" Lastrange asked, we had reached the Great hall.

 "It's better than I thought, too many rules though I'm used to being independent and I haven't learnt anything yet, I've just been practising basic magic that I learnt years ago, however I have met some lovely people and the food is great" 

"speaking of food, here you go" Lastrange handed me a slice of toast with a raspberry jam spread across the top, and a cup of black coffee.

 "Thanks how did you know about the coffee?" I asked taking a sip out of the cup.

 "Tom, he always has raspberry jam on toast and a cup of very strong black coffee. I don't know how you guys like it, it stinks!" 

"Raspberry jam? Who knew the lord himself liked raspberry jam?" Janelle giggled snatching a pastry off the top of a pile. 

"He's always been like that, never changed, it's just a part of him you know" Avery added, taking a sip of pumpkin juice. "But why did you compare Me to Tom?" 

"Your literally the same, it's concerning, your both very good at every subject you study, both came from mysterious backgrounds and well-um" Lastrange stuttered looking over at Avery for reassurance.

 "God Lastrange, He thinks Tom likes you and he's never liked anyone before you, so your clearly 'special'" He danced his fingers around, giggling childishly. I rolled my eyes at the three who were now smiling slightly watching Avery. 

"I mean I thing she likes him too so the theory checks out" Janelle smiled softly, 

"I'm right here you know!" This just made them laugh more.

 "Come on then, we've got class" Lastrange said shoving the last bit of toast into his mouth.

 "I'll see you guys later", Avery called dragging Lastrange by the arm "we've got Charms but I'll see you guys in the free period right?" They called,

 "you'll see me, but Janelles got practise maybe at dinner?" I called, I received a quick 'ok' from the boys before they dashed down the corridors to their class.

 "See you Live" then Janelle was gone leaving me to navigate the halls in search for my next class. 

"Need help, Dear" Tom had slithered up behind me, his face inches from mine. I turned quickly meeting his eyes, his hair was styled perfectly and his robes flowed behind him. That's was why Lastrange and Avery ran so quickly. 

"Just direct me to the class, Dear" he raised his hand up gesturing for me to take it.

 "I'm not going to hold your hand" I spat, which just made his thin lip turn upwards slightly. He nodded then smiled. He hooked our arms linking us and began to drag me across the hall. 

"Tom let me go" I protested, but he was stronger than I thought, he continued in large strides. I finally gave in and stood my self up, if I was going to be accompanied to class by Tom then I'm going to walk, not dragged. 

He squeezed my arm tightly as we dashed round corners, Drawing horrid glances from many jealous students. 

Soon we reached a large door leading to what I believed was our Arithmancy classroom, Tom had been silent the whole time until "We have lots to talk about, Live" He released me from his grasp and opened the door. Just as I thought the class was already half full with students waiting for the lesson to start. "Like what Tom?" He raised his eyebrows slightly 

"Don't tell me that you forget about what happened last night"


I finally updated... 

I know the writings bad in this chapter but school took a lot more of my time than I expected. 

Thank you for 8k on the book!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, stay safe Xx 


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