Chapter thirty seven - A Quidditch Catastrophe

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T.w. Mentions of conversion therapy, whipping and gore. 

~Narrators POV 

The library was quiet and peaceful most people were still in their dorms or common rooms. They headed to the back of right wing, our usual table was spotless and clean. There used to be two different tables but we kept joining them together so many times that the librarian just kind of gave up trying to put the tables back. 

Alexa, Janelle, Gwen Pam took one of the sofas, Avery, Theo and Lastrange took the second. Live were sat on an armchair with Nott and Malfoy on the other. Tom was doing his librarian duties in the west wing but normal he would sit next to Live. 

The Knights were laughing and chatting away like they normal would, Live, Theo and Gwen were also talking while Pam, Alexa and Janelle stayed as quiet as possible with out looking odd. 

Everyone was on edge questions rushing through their minds, What dose he know?...How dose he know it?...Whats doing to happen?... are we going to get caught?... What's askaban like?... and if worst comes to worst- What lengths will we go to keep out secret?

The Quidditch stands were filled seas of students dressed in Red and Green. The Lady's and Tom took their seats in the middle ground each with a Go Gryffindor and Go Slytherin flags to cheer on their friends. 

Janelle had left them earlier to go get changed into her brand new hand tailored quidditch robes, curtesy of Pamella. Same with the Knights all except Tom of course who was still bitter about coming to the match. 

"Do I really have to be here I could be reading a book or mastering a new spell" He whined twirling the green flag in his hand.

 "Yes you do, your best friends are playing show some enthusiasm" Pam cheered waving the red flag in the air which now had Go Janelle, on it.

 "Yeah Tom smile for once in your boring life, I promise it won't kill you" Alexa laughed Tom shot her a look and rolled his eyes he started to say something back but you couldn't hear him over the large uproar from the crowed and the commentator began to speak. 

"Hello and welcome everyone to the first match of this Quidditch season" Theo's voice echoed though the speakers. "Today's match Slytherin Vs Gryffindor! Now I want to hear the lions roar, let's welcome team number one, Gryffindor" 

The entrance curtains flourished and out emerged the Gryffindor team with Janelle at the front. Her top was Red with Gold stitching with a large number 5 on the Back with Bates written in white, the crowed gave a cheer and Theo continued. "Look at the lions, lead by the one and only Janelle Bates, who happens to be one of my dear friends, she takes theses games pretty seriously trust me I know and her Chaser trio is vicious, better watch out Slytherin she is the one to beat. Can we take a minute to appreciate the fabulous Pamella Hyde and her incredible sewing work creating Janelles new wonderful uniform" The Gryffindor supporters clapped and cheered loudly. 

But everyone's attention was drawn to the green curtains from which the Slytherin team emerged. Crockett leading at the front. "Welcome The serpents into the ring, lead by Winky Crockett, Who is not my friend unlike Miss Bates, but I am friends with the rest of the team, especially their Keeper Emyln Avery, Hi Avery!" The team zoomed past the commentary box with a 'Hi Theo' from Avery. The teams were ready to start the match, coach Vassy blew the whistle and threw the Quaffle up into the air. 

"The Quaffle had been released, let the game begin" Two bludgers were released onto the pitch and immediately started trying to knock players of their brooms and cause as much chaos as they could. "Janelle first on the Quaffle, zooming across the pitch, come on Janelle!- Ow hey, sorry Professor you know I was just kidding" Theo was hit over the head by Professor Slughorn, clearly annoyed at the fact a Slytherin was cheering for the Gryffindors. "Oh wait what's this, Crockett and Nott sending a bludger her way, Look out! And what a dive from Bates here if she'd messed that up she'd be squashed by that bludger." 

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