I gasp, covering my eyes as I saw his chest, bruised and slashed. Tears pricked at my eyes as I lowered my hand. I eyed her, silently mumbling to herself. 

Pinching the slashes together she shakes her head and reaches inside her suitcase for a needle and string. 

"What are you doing?" I blurt out again.  She pierces her lips as she looks over to me. 

"Sweetie, he's going to be fine. Let me do the job I came over for."  She says quietly before turning back around. 

I walked closer to the bed as I eyed her stick a thick string through the needle. Making a knot at the end of it,  she leaned in and  pinched a slash on his abdomen together. 

She quickly got to work, sewing together his slashes. Time to time Dax would turn his head and groan out but still remained unconscious.

"I'm going to step out for a bit" I tell her as I turn away. She hums in response as she leans down, biting the string before inserting a new one. 

I quickly made my way out of the room as tears scrolled down my face.  I sat myself down on the dinner table, trying to control my sobs. I shook my head as I covered my mouth, trying to drown out my tears. 

It pained me seeing him like this.

 Every inch of his body bruised, and cut. 

My heart ache. 

I continued to silently cry as I stared at the middle of the hall way. 


I looked around trying to find  anything that I could use to my advantage. As I turned to the side, my dad lunged himself towards me. Throwing me on the ground by the sleeve of my shirt and straddled me by resting his knees on my shoulders, trapping me on the ground.

I wheezed as I felt his whole weight on my chest. He reached his hand behind him, ready to either punch me or slap me when my mom chimed in.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She snarled. Relief flood through me as I turned my head to the side, slightly lifting my head up just a fraction and seeing her from the top corner of my eyelashes.

Instinctively, I let out a sob as tears clouded my vision. Taking away her attention off and away from my dad, she sent me a sorrow glance. Her eyes filled with sympathy and then quickly turned to rage.

More sobs echoed out of me as I saw my mom stare at me with rage. I shook my head.

She turned against me once again.

I shut my eyes as I breathed out of my mouth silently, waiting for whatever to come next.

"Get the fuck off of her Sebastian" My mom snarled. My dad chuckles, shaking his head.

"What are you doing? Let's get this bitch for all the shit she's done to us" He said, looking back down at me as he reached behind him once again to hit me.

"Baby" I hear my mom say. My dad looks back up to her and quickly raises his hands up in surrender. 

Looking up, I see my mom pointing a gun at my dad. 

--End of Flashback--

I leaned my head against the table as I shut my eyes, taking deep breaths. 

"Why is my life so complicated?"

"I don't think it's life itself"

"It's the people in it."

Ruined ll Book 1Where stories live. Discover now