Once he was done, he came into the room to find Torment being slowly covered by his goop. Once done, the King of Negativity smiled a little, his tentacles swaying gently behind his back. He always preferred this form; he felt more powerful in it. In the other, he always felt weak and unable to defend himself. He hated it.

"You're done?" Drako nodded, gently caressing the dagger attached to his waist. Perhaps he should have used it on the Humans... Oh well, it was too late to think about it anyway. "Great, let's go see the others." Torment and Drako left the room, going downstairs. They examined the living room, quite proud to not see too much blood on the floor. Only a few droplets were present, and it would be easy to either hide them or clean them. Torment made a mental note to ask Gaster for household product to clean all that. It wasn't the first time that they had to clean blood either way, so they didn't mind. It was his and Drako's mess, they would clean it.

Well Torment will, Drako will probably have to be forced again if he decide to be lazy. Torment couldn't even reproach him it since he couldn't laze around with his job as a Destroyer... But that didn't mean he needed to catch up on his laziness! Granted, he was a Sans, but not every Sanses were lazy!... Just most of them.

They soon entered the kitchen, where they saw Gaster placing plates in front of everyone. "Oh, you're just on time, we were going to have dinner. Care to join us?" Torment nodded, catching Drako before he could try to run away and forcing him on a chair before sitting next to him. "Do you have something we could clean the 'paint' on the floor with?"

Gaster paused for a second, seeming to think before nodding. "I... Think so? I don't usually clean that type of stains so it might not be exactly appropriate but it should do the trick." Drako snickered at that answer. Another proof of how 'normal' he was. In the mansion, they had everything needed to clean blood, bodies and much more. Torment nudged him gently with a smile, knowing exactly what he was thinking about. "We'll manage with whatever you have, don't worry. Could you give it to us after dinner?"

Gaster frowned a little. "I can clean it, you know." Torment just laughed and shook his head. "Oh I don't doubt so, but it is our mess, it's only natural for us to clean it... Plus I can't really imagine someone as... 'Normal' as you cleaning that type of stain." Drako and the two dragons giggled after that. It wasn't a reproach, quite the opposite, it was more of a sort of praise; he wasn't as twisted as them, yay! But it only showed more how different they were of him and his family.

Gaster didn't seem to be hurt by that comment, knowing it wasn't mean to hurt him and that Torment was just saying the truth. He is just a normal father and respected scientist; people don't expect him to clean after a murder. He never expected that he actually would be involved in one, honestly, even if it was only indirectly. He was still helping murderers get away with their crime. But did he care? No, he didn't. Those Humans deserved it anyway, based on what he saw through Drako and Torment's crystals. He sighed in resignation. "Alright then."

They then started to eat, and Gaster was surprised to see Drako munching on a chocolate bar. Without the wrapper this time, he didn't want the children to imitate his bad habits. What couldn't hurt him could hurt them, after all. "Where did you get that?" Drako paused, looking at Gaster, then at his chocolate. "ThIS MUlTIvErSe'S cRoSs' StASh Of cHoCOlATe." He answered simply. Gaster raised a brow. "You... Stole chocolate?"

Drako offered him an innocent smile while Cross was rolling his eyes in exasperation. "WhY Of CouRse! StOlEn ChOCoLAtE aLwAys TaSTEs BeTtER!" Cross groaned a little. "You mean stolen chocolate from UnderFell or me..." Drako shrugged with a smile, not seeing the point in denying the truth.

"At least he didn't eat the wrapper this time..." This made Gaster choke on the water that he was drinking. "W-What do you mean by 'this time'?! He usually eats the wrapper?! And you don't stop him?!" Torment shrugged, not really seeing the problem anymore. "I already told you, he can eat anything. If he wanted, he could totally eat that table, for example. I'm watching you Drako, don't you dare even try because I said that. And I stopped trying. After eons of trying to convince him without any success, you can understand that I gave up." Gaster could only gap at him in response.

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