163 11 6

July 1st

" Steph!" her joyful voice spoke from behind me. My head whips back as I was stunned at who was standing behind me. I froze in the spot while she glared at me with a cute little grin.

" you gonna sit there or come and hug me?"

I let out a small laugh at her sassy-ness, getting up from my seat and almost picking up her slim body. " emery, what the fuck you doing here?" I smiled, pulling our body away still crouch down.

" well, those guys in the back sent this pretty girl to pick me up. Her name is Ella. I think I don't remember" emery shrugged her shoulder, waving at the boys behind me. I got up from the floor, holding her hands and walking to the table where there was already an extra chair next to mine.

" wait, I don't understand why she's here" I raised an eyebrow looking at everyone in front of me.

" is to make up for what happened," Niall spoke up. For what happened? is he talking about the guy that held me captive?

" as an apology?" I asked, wetting my bottom lip.

" fuck, no, we don't do that," Louis laughs, grabbing his water. I scrunch up my nose, looking at him drink the water that tasted like shit.

" if you guys are not drinking because of her, it's alright" I looked at emery, who nodded.

" yeah, I'm used to that" she shrugged her shoulder, picking up my sprite and taking a sip. I sent her a playful glare, which she pouted over. " oh come on, Steph, I haven't seen in forever. don't get mad at me because I'm drinking soda."

" Yeah, don't get mad at her," Louis repeats. I rolled my eyes, leaning closer to her.

" you've been hanging around Elizabeth too much."

" oh right, Elizabeth was sad I was leaving. She said it wasn't fair," emery giggle, placing her long black hair behind her ear.

"you guys look nothing alike, well, the black hair," Louis speaks up, eyeing us both.

" that's not her real hair color. She's a blonde" emery smiled at Louis. " I like your eyes. They're pretty."

" thank you, love. I like yours."

" mine are brown," she pouted.

" nothings wrong with brown eyes. I  think brown eyes are lovely" I smiled at the little conversation they were having.

" what's your name?" she asked, licking her lips.

" Louis," he smiled

" what about you?" she looks directly at Liam, who puts the glass down.

" Liam," he mumbled.

"she turns to Niall, raising an eyebrow."

" Niall?"

" and you curly?" I pressed my lips into a thin line watching her stare at harry.

" Harry," he responded in a cold tone.

" well, curly, you have nice eyes, but that attitude is horrible, though."

" emery," I hiss, tapping her thighs. " that's not nice," I mumbled, grinning at her.

" what? I'm sure he's heard far more worst things." she beamed, looking at me " Elizabeth is gonna flip when I tell her all about today" she smiled.

The Antichrist - H.SNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ