twenty seven

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this is going to be a double update <3


As Zayn, Niall, and Louis tie an unconscious Eric to a metal chair being sure to secure his limbs to it with large metal cuffs and rope, I cling to my only form of security and safety on the couch, making sure to keep a safe distance from the commotion.

Harry is planted next to me, keeping one hand on my legs that are hung over his leg to keep them in place as his other hand is holding an ice pack over my bruised and swollen eye and cheek.

Every five minutes or so, he has been taking the ice pack off my face to press light kisses over all the bruises in an attempt to make me feel a little better.

Usually, I'd be laughing and giggling but not even that is working.

I kinda just feel numb with emotions right now and my mind is on overdrive thinking about everything that's happened today.

The main thing I can think of now is why Eric was with Liam and how they even know each other. I have so many questions to ask but all I can do right now is wait for the both of them to wake up.

Oh yeah, Liam is also unconscious and tied up in a metal chair right next to Eric. Everyone else was shot dead by the men currently standing behind me.

I think Liam brought at least twenty men and only he and Eric survived. I should probably be more shocked but I'm honestly not. The dead men are currently being dragged out of the house and being loaded into a van to be taken care of.

I graze my eyes around the living room and take in just how much damage that's been done in less than two hours.

All of the bullet holes scattered along the black walls nearly make them unnoticeable. The wooden floors have all kinds of different scraps and scratches along the surface. Pools of blood are in all different places, the crimson staining the floor. All the couches and chairs have holes all over them and the tables are completely smashed.

To think I literally just fucking cleaned this bitch too.

I also can't help but wonder if Harry is going to keep this place and fix everything or move to another place.

To be honest, it would be pretty stupid if he decided to stay here, especially since Renascent knows where he lives. It would be a lot safer to move but the choice is completely up to him.

I don't even know if I'd be going with him or not. I mean I know he likes me and all of that now but at first I was just a piece in his little game to get Liam and now that he has my brother where he wants him, he doesn't need me anymore.

I've grown so close to him and I really don't want to have to let that go.

The feeling of Harry's lips pressing against my temple knocks me out of my trance and causes me to look up at him, a slight smile forming on my lips when I see the usual glow of his green eyes.

He inspects my bruises for a little bit before looking directly into my eyes and just as he does, it feels as if all my stress has simply just washed away.

Harry tilts his head a little bit before placing his hand softly on my jaw.

"You okay?" I smile lightly and nod my head in response.

Right now, I am the furthest thing from okay but Harry has a lot more stuff to worry about at the moment so I'm not going to push my problems on him. He has a lot he has to do and work out so right now he needs to focus on that and not me.

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