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need i explain the video? no? okay


"Harry I want to talk to him," I say while making a pot of coffee.

I know it's a long shot even asking to talk to him but it's worth the chance. I miss him more than anything and I just my brother back. I want to hear his voice again and feel that comfort again. I want to have my brother back in my life and I just want to hear from him directly that he's okay.

"You know I can't let that happen love." Harry takes a mug from the cupboard and stands next to me. "It goes against my plan to get him back."

I turn towards Harry and look at him. His long brown curls are tied back in a bun and the top half of his body is bare, showing all of his tattoos while his lower half is covered only by black joggers that sit dangerously low on his hips.

"What did he even do?" I pour myself some coffee. "And what is your plan with me?"

I fill Harry's mug and place the pot back on the warmer. As a reach for the creamer I got out of the fridge, Harry responds.

"He didn't do anything, one of his closest men did but if one of your men fuck up then so do you."

I let go of the creamer and dramatically turn to face him with a 'what the fuck' expression on my face.

"Then why are you going after him? Just go after the man. What did he even do?" I run my fingers through my damp hair.

He clicks his tongue at me and shakes his finger at me as if I am a child.

"Not happening love. We have more important things to talk about now." He walks away from the counter and takes a seat at the island in front of me. He then pulls the seat next to him out gesturing me to sit next to him.

I recognize the defeat and make my way over to him, climbing onto the chair which makes him chuckle.

"Fuck you I'm short," I say to him making him cackle even louder.

He has the most adorable laugh. It's so contagious.

I adjust myself comfortably on the chair and turn it to face him. He does the same thing causing my knees to rest in between his.

"So what's so important?" I ask him.

He gently places his mug down and scratches the back of his neck. That means he's nervous which means it must be something serious.

I place my mug down and put my hands on his knees causing him to look at me once again.

"It's okay, don't be nervous around me." I give him a comforting smile.

He takes a deep breath in and out, his shoulders rising and falling due to the motion.

"I want to know everything that's ever happened between you and Eric."

I widen my eyes at his request and take my hands off of his knees so lean back against the chair.

I've never talked to anyone about everything Eric's done to me. Nobody even knows besides Harry. How would talking about everything out loud even affect me? I'm a really closed-off person and I hate talking about my emotions. Every time I told Eric about my feelings he'd just throw it in my face and I really don't want that to happen again.

Maybe it would be good for me if I let everything out. I've been holding it in for a long time and it's been eating away at me. Maybe just talking about it can clear my mind.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. I just want to know so I can-"

"I'll do it." I cut him off. "It will just be hard for me. Nobody knows besides you and I don't like to talk about my feelings. You'll have to be patient for me though."He takes ahold of my hand.

"Of course love."

The kitchen door opens making me turn around to see Blake walking towards us. Immediately I take my hand away from Harry's and rest it on my lap.

"Hey, mini Payno," Blake says with a smirk. I roll my eyes at him.

I can't believe he's actually gonna start calling me that.

"Hey, Blake. Thanks for last night. I had a lot of fun." He nudges my arm teasingly.

"Not a problem. Are you ready to go?" I look at him confused but before I could manage to say something, Harry does so for me.

"Go where?" Harry says lowly to Blake.

"I'm bringing her to the doctor so she can get her hand checked out," Blake says back not breaking eye contact with Harry.

Harry stands up from his chair and straightens himself out.

"I'll take her, now go do your job."

Why the fuck is Harry being so rude to Blake right now? Blake has done nothing wrong and is being kind right now. Harry has no right to be so fucking mean.

I stand up from my seat and look at Blake.

"Let's go," I say to him with a smile. Blake smiles back to me and nods his head yeah. "I'll be right out there."

Blake walks out of the kitchen and I spin around to face Harry who looks confused and furious at the same time. His eyebrows are furrowed and his jaw is clenched.

"You are being so rude to him and for what?" I whisper shout at him making his eyebrows furrow even more and his jaw drop.

"He's trying to get closer to you Esme. I don't like it." He snaps back. "I'm taking you for your hand."

"Well, that's a shame because I already told Blake he can take me. Maybe while you're here you can change your attitude."

I walk away from Harry without letting him respond to me and exit the kitchen to grab some shoes from my room. Once I have on a pair of black boots I found in the closet, I walk back downstairs to see Blake at the bottom of the staircase with his phone in his hand looking intently at the screen. I get to the bottom of the stairs and stand in front of him.

"I'm ready," I speak up grasping his attention.

Blake gives me a wicked smirk and nods his head. While he grabs his keys out of his pocket, I feel a pair of eyes staring at me making me turn around.

Harry is leaning against the wall by the kitchen door with an absolute irate look plastered on his face. I know I should've let him take me but he needs to learn that he can't be rude for no reason. It's annoying and he's a bully.

Blake opens the door and we both walk out towards the familiar car I was in last night. After I jump in, Blake gets in on his side and starts the car.

"Let's get going, love." He says.


i'm sorry for this one being short luvs, life has been rough lately.

i love you guys, as always stay safe

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