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has anyone else seen the video of that guy getting hit in the face by a twisted tea tallboy? i literally cried laughing


The sound of a light, distant snore rises me out of slumber.

My body feels as if it is overheating as the surface I am currently laying on rises up and down. I slowly open my eyes, trying to adjust to the light of day shining into the living room through the large windows.

I bring my good hand up to my eyes and rub them before completely taking in my surroundings.

I immediately realize why I am sweating, the body heat from Blake radiating onto my body as we lay on the floor cuddled up next to each other with a blanket resting at our hips. My cheek is against his clothed shoulder and my one leg is bent in between his legs. Blake has his one arm extended under my head and the other resting on my hip.

How the fuck did I go from lowkey hating him one day to waking up in his arms the next?

Blake is completely passed out still snoring lightly. Maybe if I move slowly I can wiggle my way out of his arms and go shower. I hate the feeling of sweat and I need it off of my body as soon as possible.

I lightly grab his hand and bring it to his side before sliding my leg out from between his own and uncover myself from the blanket.

I stand up and freeze at the unexpected sight of Harry sitting in the recliner with a piercing look in his eyes.

His eyes look black as he stares into my soul. His hands are clasped together, his knuckles completely white and he still has his white floral dress pants and black dress shirt on as he looks at me. The dark circles under his eyes are a clear sign that he's gotten absolutely no sleep last night.

"Don't stop on my account sweetheart." He says dryly to me. "Keep cuddling with your new boyfriend."

He shoots me the most hateful glare I've ever seen and leans back in his chair resting his elbow on the arm of the chair while the other one grabs the fabric of his trouser right at his crotch.

Why can't he be bald?

As beautiful as he looks right now, I can't let him get away with how he treated me and how he hid things from me.

I don't know what the fuck possessed my body to do this but the second those words fall from his mouth, my left-hand raises in front of me and I stick my middle finger up at him before turning around and walking away up the stairs towards my room.

"Esme!!" I hear Harry shout from behind me but I ignore his calls, simply not having the energy to deal with his shit today.

As I walk down the hall to my room I can hear Harry's footsteps coming up behind me. I'm too tired and drained to even try running away from him at this point.

Right when I get in my room I head straight to the closet to grab some clothes. Seconds later the door crashes open and Harry enters the room with a borderline demonic look on his face making a cold chill smooth itself over my body.

Jesus fuck why is he so intimidating?

"Who the fuck do you think you're walking away from?" Harry says loudly, his voice causing the stillness that was once in the room to vanish.

I pick out a pair of light high waisted jeans and a black cropped t-shirt along with clean underwear and a matching bra before stepping out of the closet.

I look Harry in the face with the most deadpan expression and roll my eyes before turning away into the bathroom. I immediately lock the door and set the clean clothes on the sink.

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