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slowly waking up I search for suddenly missed warmth and my hand reaches Yibo's back. sitting on the bed, he gets startled from my touch and tries to hide something, his phone vibrates again and I ask with worry

"What were you doing? Yibo" noticing his pale face, I snatch phone from his hand and read the message: "won't you attend farewell party for your dear friend? You know how much fun it's going to be"

"Who is this from? Yibo answer me" I ask but he gets up without saying anything "that druggy Chen? It's him? Is he talking about huai sang? He is your only friend"

"Damn, stop asking" suddenly he yells too loudly I get startled "what friend? I don't have any friend, in my world there is nothing like this, did you still not realize?"

"Yibo, the reason you're so weird yesterday...it's related to this no?" I walk closer and hesitantly touch his face, Yibo's eyes immediately softens and breaths out heavily, putting his forehead on my shoulder

"Huai Sang's family got into huge scandal, they lost everything and the most importantly name. you know what this means for him and..."

"what is this party about?"

"that...he doesn't belong our society anymore, I...I have to stop him from going there, they'll destroy him but..." He moves back and admiringly eyes me "you're this beautiful, I can't let him to... I'm in the worst dilemma ever"

"Yibo, I can't understand" 

"I'm leaving now" he gives me quick hug but I don't let go of him "I'll go with you"


"say no more, pick me up when time for that party comes. I won't leave you alone with them"

"mn, alright" 


"Huai sang wait" Yibo runs to him and grabs his hand before entering the club. Latter one turns to us and smiles like nothing happened at all, still his eyes shows how much he suffers. Knowing how painful being pitied is, I act the same way and greet him like before

"You're here too guys, after that incident with Chen I didn't expect to see you at his party"

"Don't come in please, you know how..." Yibo almost begs and tries to drag him back

"Come on Yibo, no way they treat me the same. I was still kid when joined this "gang" those silly rumors won't change anything" he frees himself and having no other choice we follow in. Almost everyone there are familiar faces for me, met at Yibo's place before. Only one, Barbie is missing and I instinctively hide behind Yibo when that asshole Chen walks towards us, still unable to erase those terrible memories from my head. 

"Look who is here, dirt of our society. Wang Yibo, who was always showing his glory off, who could never handle any little humiliate and was ready to kill everyone because of this but now...being slave of his lowborn bitch. And you Huai Sang... can't believe you really accepted my invitation, knowing what is going to happen to you" They make circle around us and Yibo tightly holds my hand "now it's really understandable"

"What do you mean?"

"Your appearance, I always wondered how could you be such a short and ugly, when both of your parents so nice looking? but now I get it, guess you look like your dad...I mean real one, such a pity your mommy has worst taste"

"shut up, shut the hell up"

"it's too embarrassing, we spent long time with true bastard, gosh I feel too disgusted. does your mom even know whose son you are? who can imagine how many men she slept with?" 

🖤Dark Society🖤 (YiZhan*ZhanYi) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now