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"Let me go, I have to follow him. Didn't you see? He is going to harm himself, what kind of police you're damn it" I keep yelling and fighting until one of them painfully kick my stomach and they drag me down on the chair "you corrupted shits"

"Mr Wang, don't you think we already got enough by you two faggots?" Officer grabs my collar and grins "be quiet you disgusting ass fucker"

"There is only one difference between us Mr officer, I do it for pleasure, but you lick asses for the money, which one is more disgusting?"

"Got good humor no? Let's see if you're going to keep this attitude after rotting in the jail"

"for what are you going to arrest me? if what I said is lie for you? if my father is still hero for you?"

"bring solid evidence and we'll do it, but you have nothing is that so? arrest him" he orders his subordinate and they handcuff me, I'm thrown in the cell and I rush into walls like wild animal locked in the cage. I hold the bars too tightly and shake the door my hands gets bruised. Knowing him better than myself I'm sure Zhan is going to meet my father, to put himself in danger. And the fact I'm just unable to help makes me crazy from frustration, what if...he is being tormented now? what if...no he won't die, he can't die 

"Call lawyer, I have my rights too. please, I beg you"

"Fuck off daddy's boy, you don't own anything anymore. Without your father you're nothing" guard hits stick on the door and I jump back unable to handle loud sound "who cares about your rights?"

"Let him be, don't overdo your duties" someone scolds him and middle aged man stands in front of me. He hands something to me and smiles "here eat this bread, you must be hungry"

"All I need is leaving from here, please what I have to do?"

"I believe in you"


"I believe what you said about your father is truth but that trashy officer is right. You have to somehow get evidence and give it to trustful person"

"There is only one person I can trust in this world but he...hates me"

"I'll help, I'm being serious" he says and I shake my head

"What you gain from it? Nonsense"

"I'm going to resign very soon, maybe huge solved case on my name? Your father isn't alone in this matter, so many upper people are going to fall with him. Promise,I can guarantee your safety if..."

"Hey Wang Yibo" he has to stop because that jerk comes back and suddenly opens the door "you can leave"

"You mocking me?"

"Someone called and ordered, this is all I know"

"Ah sure" I come out and laugh "not someone but my father's people. Mr Wang wants to punish me by himself I guess" going to leave as soon as possible I suddenly remember something and turn to that old policeman "I can cooperate but you have to help me with something too"

"What is it?"

"Find someone for me please, I don't have too much information but...can you give me pen and paper"

"Wait" he drags me separated at the corner and I write down short letter and everything I know "do you plan something illegal? Who is that?"

"Someone who can save my gege's life" I whisper and hand paper back to him "tell this words to him or just send with email it doesn't matter. He just needs to know"

🖤Dark Society🖤 (YiZhan*ZhanYi) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now