I Got You 🔞

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If I were young and promising, I wouldn't humiliate myself,

I would understand what needs to be protected,

these impossible dreams... that I didn't fulfill them for you

is my shame for life...

If I were young and promising, I would know how to go forward 

I can't let you suffer because of me


that one night ... which dirties my body, hurts my pride, disgust my mind, destroys my faith ...  that night I made silly mistake and ... I gonna remember and hate it forever


I pick up some documents from the table and get ready to leave office. already reaching the entrance someone stops me and I smile seeing my only work friend, I'm getting closer and closer with"

"do you need something?"

"the party I told you before, what did you decide?" 

"I'm not attending"

"come on Zhan, it's just a businessmen and friends gathering together you won't get hurt. we have to feel grateful being invited there" 

"yes snobs" friend frowns and tries too hard to convince me "you're part of this company too, if you make others notice you, maybe gonna get promotion soon"

"I'm just a intern here, don't make high plans for me, and plus I hate that society and not willing to be part of it"

"you don't get any ambitions, at least just accompany me, we're friends don't leave me alone"

"ok" feeling sorry for him, at the end I agree, sighing from annoyance. wish I didn't... meet him


the house of congressman Wang is way too huge and somehow I feel disgust, people like him are bathing in the money, when "dirt of the world" like me... even for just feeding ourselves work to death. entering the main hall i'm startled noticing only dancing and drinking teenagers and too bright light hurts my eyes. 

"what the fuck" I turn to my friend but he isn't there anymore, not that kind of party I was expecting, smell of alcohol and smoke makes me dizzy and look around searching for little, safe place for me to stay there until party is done. on the way young, druggie girls wearing almost nothing cling on me and move hands all over my body. pushing them back with overly polite manner finally I reach the veranda and breath flesh air. what am I even doing here?

"seems like party is very boring for you" I hear deep, sexy voice behind my ear and shrug my shoulders

"just the way to spend extra money, not surprised at all. this loud music, can't handle it"

"when why are you here?"

"friend's request"

🖤Dark Society🖤 (YiZhan*ZhanYi) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now