Only One

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I wake up and little towel falls from my forehead, strong headache and fever from last night is fully gone and I wonder was it really Yibo who took care of me? I have blurry memories about someone touching and talking to me but couldn't understand the words. Maybe there is nothing to be surprised about, who want his prey to get sick? Am I not here to please his desires?

After tidying myself I leave the room and search for him, this house is so huge feels like i'm going to lost in. Yibo doesn't answers me and I enter his room, suddenly he comes out from the bathroom and wears nothing, absolutely nothing. I get so confused, unable to decide stay or go out, noticing my reaction he grins and walks closer

"What the..."

"Why so surprised? Do you wear clothes while taking shower?" He asks with mocking tone and I hardly move eyes off from his body, I hate to admit but he is... Way too perfect. the way Yibo carries such a manly and sexy aura with sometimes too baby face of his "don't tell me you're shy after everything what happened between us"

"Fuck you"

"You did"


"You did already"

"cocky and annoying" I look back again and he widely smiles, it isn't like this is something new, I had seen him laughing and smiling too so many times but for this moment I wonder, is he even the same person? It looks totally different, something real and pure?

"What are you smiling at?" 

"you look better, guess slept well"

"I'll wait outside" I murmur and go out, running down on the stairs. suddenly someone screams and I get even more startled


"no, please I'm not..."

"young master be careful" supposedly maid moves back with scared expression and I feel arm around my waist

"Don't worry aunt, he is my..." Yibo pauses for a second "mine, please hide that zhan is staying here from my parents as long as possible"

"You know, they can still find out young master" Yibo nods with sad expression and signs at me to sit down, surprisingly all dishes looks familiar and I start eating tastily.

"You can get back to work again, I ripped your resignation letter before, surely if you're willing"

"Thought everything about me depended on you now, such a nice boy giving me right to choose myself" he looks straight in my eyes and frowns, you're successful in ruining his mood Zhan

"anyway I'm leaving to play golf with my father's friends, more, act like nice boy as you said. this evening..." he hesitates a little "is Huai Sang's birthday, you wanted to get closer to our, snob's life, will you accompany me?"


"good, your clothes..."

"it's already packed, gonna bring here today"

"ok, see you later" Yibo stands up and stops next to me, few seconds passes and he just slightly caresses my shoulder before leaving, I sigh and frustration fills my mind. the more he acts different, the more I don't like it. just simply hating him was way too easier


"Zhan" she exclaims with happiness, when I get out from the elevator and I return sweet smile "you didn't leave, when young boss took letter away, already knew this was going to happen"

🖤Dark Society🖤 (YiZhan*ZhanYi) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now