Chapter 14: When Eyes Meet

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The image of them plodding along like tired cattle startled her. There were few slaves seen around in the estates where she lived. Shaynari could not be trusted. 

They were the ones who had tricked the Tamerian's into thinking they were friends. They were the ones who had sent the plague that had killed her aunt and almost claimed her life as a child.

Still, when she looked at the men in front of her she could not help but notice that some were little older that she was.

One in particular caught her eye. He was tall young and lean and sort of beautiful in his own way, with a narrow frame and toned arms. When she saw that he was looking at her she quickly looked away before their eyes could truly meet.

Why did they have to pay for the sins of their fathers?

When she was little her own father had told her that only criminals hauled the ships back up the canal, yet what sin had these men committed other than being born in another land under another king?

Her eyes dared to flicker back to the young Shaynari. His face held some strange expression she could not read-this time he was the one to look away, his jaw working.

"Is everything alright miss?" the captain asked politely, pulling her attention away.

"You transport Shaynari?" she asked the captain, her throat feeling dry.

"Canal slaves, yes, we do," he answered. "That's not a problem is it?"

"So long as you can tell me I am in no danger from them, I have no reason to fear or complain," the words felt sticky in her throat as she danced around the truth of how uncomfortable seeing other humans chained like animals made her feel.

"Oh. You've nothing to worry about," said the captain and then another member of the crew called him away.

Adira looked on a the trudging Shaynari men, careful not to let her eyes linger where they wanted too. He was coming closer and there was something about him that felt...dangerous. 

So she looked at the rest of them, their feet shuffling along listlessly.

They the oxen of labor under the yolk, you the bird in the cage, the words jangled around in her head.

You have no right to compare yourself to them, her mind scolded, at least a bird in a cage is admired.

A shudder ran down Adira's spine as she thought of Lord Gregory and how he would have 'Admired' her. How his hands would have roamed regardless of her desires.

She felt light headed again and her legs ached.

Adira steadied herself against the post where the bilge plank was anchored.

A sudden crack reached her ears and before she knew it she was falling forward, the ground racing up to meet her. Her hands were full and she was unprepared. She closed her eyes bracing for impact.

Instead strong arms caught her with a grunt.

Opening her eyes Adira looked up to find it was the young man who had caught her.

His expression was a grimace, while his eyes held nothing but concern for her.

Lion's eyes, amber and bright. 

She couldn't remember ever seeing someone with eyes quite that colour. 

Beautiful, the word floated across her mind.

She took a startled breath in and was overwhelmed by the warm scent of him. Fresh soap and clean skin and warm sunshine. She had not expected a Shaynari slave to have a scent that made her think of warm beaches and crisp waves, but he did.

Across the Midnight SeaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora