The touch ~ Harry Potter/Hermione Granger

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It was a Sunday morning. The cold breeze hit your face, causing you to wake up in annoyance.
The tent flaps were wide open, swaying back and forth from the autumn wind.

You groan and sit up from the small cot, rubbing your eyes sleepily.
Hermione notices and grabs a cup of tea from the counter that she had made earlier that morning.

"Glad to see you're awake...Harry will be excited" she states, handing you the small cup and sitting beside you.

You nod before taking a sip of the tea and placing it on the tiny, white saucer that was laying on the table.

"Hey, Mione?" You say quietly, looking over at her.
She raises her eyebrows in a questioning manner before setting her cup down.
"Hmm?" She hums in response.

You clear your throat and begin to fiddle with your thumbs.

"What happened last night?" You ask, looking back down.
Hermione sighs before looking down herself.

You can hear small sniffles coming from her as she tries to wipe away her tears with her sleeve.

"What is it?" You ask, gripping her shoulder frantically.

She sighs and shakes her head before putting her hand on your knee.

"R-Ron's gone..." she whispers, wiping away another fallen tear.

You could feel your face drop as Hermione begins to cry harder.

You stand up as she pulls at your sleeve.
"I-I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier...but you were asleep and-" she begins.
You whip your head around to look down at her, cutting her off.

"So Ron is gone....but what the hell happened to me?" You ask harshly.

She sighs again before standing up and placing her hands on your shoulders.

"Ron uh.....he had the horcrux around his neck and- he....he just couldn't restrict himself-" she tries to explain.

Your eyes widen. You can feel tears prick at them as you bite the inside of your cheek.
"Are you about to tell me that my own brother crucioed me?" You ask bluntly.

Hermione immediately shuts her mouth before going completely quiet and dropping her head into her hands.

A tear rolls down your cheek as you nod and head for the entrance to the tent.
"Y/n-" Hermione begins, grabbing your wrist.
You quickly pull it away and shake your head before running out of the tent.
You begin to sprint into the woods, ignoring the pleading yells that were coming from Hermione, begging you to come back to the tent so you two could talk.
You didn't want to talk. You knew exactly what she was going to say.

"I'm sorry that he did this to will be okay, I promise" were her exact words when your older brother Percy ditched you to hang out with his girlfriend, Hannah.

The Percy situation was different though. Yes, he was your brother....but Ron was your twin.
You two had spent your entire lives together, and went everywhere together.
So when he asked you to come with the golden trio when they went hunting for horcruxes, you of course said yes.

It broke your heart into a million tiny pieces, knowing that your bestest friend in the entire world would do something like he did.

You run down a hill, slipping on random mud piles and tripping over rocks and logs.
When you reached the bottom, your body physically hurt from the amount of running and crying that you had been doing at the same time.

You propped yourself up again a tree, sliding down it and sitting on the ground.
Your head landed in your hands as your knees curled into your chest.
You rocked back and forth, letting the tears fall with no shame what so ever.

Twigs and leaves snapped and cracked in front of you, causing you to look up in fear.
Your nerves calmed when you saw that it was just Harry, Ron's bestfriend.

He looked down at you, his eyes soft and a look of sympathy spread across his face.
You shook your head before placing it back into your hands.

Harry laid a hand on your shoulder before sliding himself down, beside you.
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him, trying to shield your shaking body from the unforgiving wind that would not let up.

"Y/n.." he begins.

You shake your head and look over at him with tears in your eyes.

"Don't" you mumble as he nods.

You sigh and put your head on his shoulder as he leans his head on yours.
"What am I going to do, Harry?" You ask, your voice cracking with almost every word.

Harry stays silent, knowing that he can't give you a solid answer that you need.

You giggle nervously before wrapping your arms around his waist and snuggling into him more.

He looks down, raising his eyebrows before hugging you tighter.

You look up at him with a pleading look.
He looks down at you, a small smile painting across his lips.
His hand rests on your cheek, wiping away a fallen tear and brushing his fingers against your ear.

"You've got the perfect touch, Potter" you whisper.
Harry smiles foolishly before pulling your head forward and kissing your forehead softly.

Hey! Sorry I haven't been updating this story in a long time! I know, I know...I suck!
But I'm updating it now lol, so here.

Remember to check out my other stories if you haven't already!
Also, make sure to check out the schedule that I put in my had the exact schedule of when this book and "The Piano Man" will be updated throughout the week!
Okay....have a great day/night!

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