Imperio ~ Draco Malfoy: pt 1

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Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva

"Y/n...are you even listening to me?!" Draco asks in an annoyed tone as you nod without even thinking.

"Yes...of course" you mumble as he scans over your face with his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks as you raise and eyebrow.
"What?" You ask as he scoffs.
"What's the matter with you? You've been acting weird since yesterday after we all were sitting at dinner" he explains as you shrug your shoulders.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Draco" you plead as he sighs and shrugs it off.

"Whatever....can you atleast point me in the right direction of what I should do?" He asks as you furrow your eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" You ask as he groans and throws his head back.

"See! I told you that you weren't listening to me!" He yells as you giggle.
"I'm sorry, Dray. I'm trying to focus on this homework" you mumble as he sighs.

"Tell me again....I promise I'll listen" you assure him as he nods.

He looks around the room once more, trying to make sure that no one was around.

"Okay....I'm only telling you this because I trust you, you're my bestfriend" he begins as you nod.

"V-Voldemort is making me kill Dumbledore" he finally spits out.

Your eyes widen as you take a few steps back from him.

He shakes his head and stands up to walk towards you.

"Please don't leave-" he mumbles as you stop walking.

You sigh before pulling him into a hug. He begins to cry into your neck as you rub his back comfortingly.

"I'm not gonna leave you" you whisper to him as he nods.
"Thank you" he mumbles before pulling away.

You sigh and wipe the tears away that were rolling down his cheeks.

"Are you actually going to do it?" You ask as he sighs and shakes his head.
"I-I don't think I can" he mumbles as you sigh in relief.


Two hours later

You were walking down the hallway of Malfoy Manner.

You were going to say goodnight to Draco, since it was nearly midnight.

You turned the corner to the hallway, gasping as a hand wrapped around your mouth and pulled you into a room.
The door shut behind you and locked itself as the person threw you against the wall.

"What the hell?!" You yell as the person shushes you.

"Be quiet, you'll wake everyone!" Bellatrix hisses as you roll your eyes.

"Damnit Bellatrix. You scared the shit out of me!" You hiss as she giggles devilishly.

"I need to talk to you" she retorts as you nod and sit down on the floor.

"What?" You ask as she smiles sarcastically.

"As you know....Draco has been asked to proceed with a task that Severus could never complete-" she explains as you nod.
" what? He said he couldn't do it. I don't blame him" you explain as she rolls her eyes.

"That's exactly my point! Severus said he couldn't do it either. But what you don't know, is that if Draco doesn't go through with this....The dark lord will kill him" she explains.

Your eyes widen as you shake your head in disbelief.
"What? No! He can't make Draco do this. We go to that school, you know how hated he will be?!" You ask frantically as she nods.

"No one will know besides us! He must do it in the clock tower, tomorrow night" she finishes.

"Tomorrow night?!" You ask harshly as she nods.
"The old bastard is weak! He's been poisoned by the dark lord. All Draco has to do, is say the two words...and BOOM, no more Dumbledore" she explains as you shake your head.

"No... no he can't. It'll scar him, he can't-" you begin.

A sharp pain struck your head as you fall to the ground.

The last thing you heard before falling unconscious was Bellatrix's voice.

Hogwarts Imagines and preferences ~ Book 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें