In class surprise ~ Tom Riddle

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This is not soft Tom lol, this is bad bitch Tom

You look up at the clock and sigh as it only reads 8:15
"Great...45 more minutes" you think to yourself.
The familiar clicking of a yard stick to a whiteboard rings through your ears as Umbridge paces back and forth at the front of the classroom.

"Ms. Y/l/ would be wise to stop daydreaming....and do your assignment, unless- you want detention tomorrow-" she begins.

"N-no professor....I'm almost done I promise. I was uh- just thinking about how I could reword this sentence" you try to explain.
She scoffs and rolls her eyes before nodding her head, motioning for you to carry on with your doings.

You sigh in relief before looking back down at your paper.


There was loud footsteps outside the door, along with a familiar voice. It sounded like-
Oh no.

"Tom?!" You whisper to yourself as Tom bursts through the door.
He looks at you and winks before looking at Umbridge.

"May I help you?" She asks in a rather annoyed tone.
Tom smirks before walking to your desk, not even saying anything.
His arm extends down towards you as you grab his hand and he pulls you up.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Umbridge asks frantically.
You giggle to yourself as Tom continues to escort you out of the class.

"Who do you think you are?!" Umbridge yells, slamming her hand against the desk.

Tom freezes before letting go of your hand.
"Oh shit" you mumble to yourself.

He slowly pivots around on his heels, his tongue sliding across his top teeth as his jaw clenches.
He calmly walks towards the professor, her eyes shrinking into her head the closer he gets.
He finally reaches her as she leans backwards to get away from him.

" Tom Riddle. And I, am taking Ms. Y/l/n, out on a date" he says bluntly.
"But this is school hours and-" Umbridge begins to plead, but Tom quickly cuts her off with a throaty chuckle.

"And you think I care why?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow.

"Well....well this is school... don't you care for- for y/n's education?" She asks, trying to guilt trip him.

He smiles sarcastically before turning towards the entire class.

"You! There...with the red hair" he says, motioning to Ron.

Ron gulps before Tom walks up to him, towering over his body.

"What's the correct way to hold your wand, and the proper spell for fighting off a Bogart?" Tom asks, cocking an eyebrow.

Ron gapes his mouth open like he's about to say something, but it quickly closes and he shakes his head.

"I-I don't kn-know" he mumbles.

Tom scoffs before standing up straight, fixing his jacket.

"Anybody?" He asks, looking around the room.
He then looks at you as you blush.

"Y/n!" He beams, walking up to you.

You raise your eyebrows at him as he plants his feet right next to yours.

"Can you tell me what the proper way to hold a wand is....and the spell you use while fighting off a Bogart?" He asks as you nod.

You pull out your wand, holding it in your hand and situating your grip and fingers.

"Your thumb needs to be placed at the top.....your pointer finger on the bottom, as your other fingers wrap behind this" you explain while copying the motions of what you were saying.

Tom's eyes soften as he looks at you with happiness. He looked so proud.

"Then, you make a slight thrust forward....while saying the spell...ridikulus" you finish.

The whole class looks at you with amazement as Tom claps.

"Well done!" He says, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.

You both turn to face Umbridge, who had a flustered look on her face.

"I think that y/n's education is fine....don't you?" He asks her devilishly.
You smirk slightly to yourself as Umbridge nods and you both walk out of the classroom.

Tom nudges your side as you look up at him.

"Showed her up"

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