The Little Things ~ Neville Longbottom

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Requested by: chelly0407

Sorry that this took so long to get uploaded!

Neville walked towards the great hall. His heart was beating out of his chest as his hands shakily held the bouquet of roses and sunflowers that he had just picked for you in the green house.

He bit his lip nervously, trying to contain the amount of fear and embarrassment that he was feeling at that moment.

When he entered the great hall, his eyes scanned the room in search for you.
When he found you sitting at the (y/h) table, he smiled brightly before walking up to you.

"Hey y/n, I-" he began, almost tapping on your shoulder.
He was quickly cut off by the twins coming up behind you with evil smirks on their faces.

"Oi, Y/n....try this" Fred says, handing you a small vile.
"What is it?" You ask, cocking an eyebrow and taking the cork off to smell it.

"Just do it!" George states.

You roll your eyes and bring the vile to your lips.

Neville's heart was beating out of his chest.
He had already seen the twins perform this prank on someone else today in the halls.

Without even thinking, he comes up behind you, snatching the vile out of your hands, and down the liquid in one gulp.

"Bloody- Neville?" You say, turning around to face him.

His nose scrunched at the nasty taste as his face turned a bit pink.

"H-hey, Y/n" he mumbles, trying not to make eye contact.

You smile up at him before looking at the twins.
They were looking down at the flowers that were in his hands.

This caused you to look down at them too.

" are you feeling?" George asks, wrapping his arm around Neville's shoulder.

Neville rolls his eyes before shaking his head.

"Nothing...really. looks like you'll have to change up the recipe boys" he states, looking down at you and smiling.

"Damnit!" Fred yells, crossing his arms.
George sighs and takes his arm off of Neville.

"Oh please. It's going to take something stronger than Veritaserum for me to admit that I have a crush on y/n" Neville states bluntly.

Your eyes widen as both of the twins smile.
Your cheeks begin to flush red as your friends begin to nudge your sides and arms.

Neville's eyes go wide as he shakes his head.
" I didn't-" he begins.

"Looks like Veritaserum is all it took" Fred states sheepishly.

George nudges his side and giggles before snatching the bottle back from Neville.
"Thank you good sir....we'll add this to the list of completed items" George says as they both run out of the great hall.

Neville was left dumbfounded, with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"Were those for me?" You ask, breaking the awkward silence.

Neville looks down at you, then at the flowers in his hands.
"Y-yes" he states, handing them to you.
You gladly take them, taking in a deep whiff.
"They smell great!" You exclaim.

Neville smiles before turning around to walk away.
"Wait!" You say.
He freezes and turns around to face you. His face was pink.

"Would you like to sit down?" You ask, motioning to the seat next to you.

He smiles and nods before sitting next to you.

"So....." you begin.
He taps his thumbs against the table, pulling at his sleeves nervously.

"So" he mocks.

"You like me?" You ask bluntly.
Neville chokes on his own spit before looking at you.
"Uhhhh....y-yeah" he mumbles.

You smile brightly before placing your hand on his.
He looks up at you with confusion before looking down at your hand.

"Cool....I-I like you too"

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