Can't catch me ~ Oliver Wood

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The cold, autumn air blew through your hair as you whipped around the quidditch pitch on your broom.

Oliver called after you, interrupting himself with his own laughs.

"Y/n come on! I need my jersey back. I have a game in 2 hours!" He yells at you.
You ignore him and continue to fly away.

"Can't catch me, Wood? And you're supposed to be the captain of the Gryffindors" you yell, turning your head around to meet him.

When you see that he's not there, fear spills all over your body as you begin to look at the ground.

You stop on your broom to where you are only hovering in the sky.

"Oli?" You ask frantically, looking around the pitch.

A hand touches your shoulder and you scream and whip your head around.

Oliver had a sheepish smirk on his face as he smiled.

"Hello love, mind if I take this back?" He asks, grabbing the jersey and flying towards the locker rooms.

You groan and begin to fly after him, jumping off of your broom and running into the locker rooms.

"Oliver....where are you?!" You yell, running around the room, giggling.

You turn the corner to a row of lockers, screaming as a pair of arms wrap around your waist and swing you around.

"Shhhh. It's only me, love" Oliver says, placing a small kiss to the skin of your neck.
You giggle and pull away, but he pulls you back, his arms wrapping around your shoulders.

"You can have my jersey back, after the game" he mumbles as you nod.

"It's okay, you can keep it. I have another one" you say, pulling out another one from your locker.

Oliver's eyes widen as you giggle and begin to run away.

"That's where that went!" He yells

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