Life of the Party ~ Draco Malfoy

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Warnings: Slight harrassment, drinking, alcohol, swearing

You smoothed the emerald green, skin tight, silky dress down as your dorm room door opened slightly.

You felt eyes burning into your back as you turned around to see your boyfriend of 3 years, Draco Malfoy staring at you.
His mouth was gaped open as his eyes trailed up and down your body.

He smirked before walking over to you, his hands resting on your hips.

"Take a'll last longer" you tease as he scoffs.
"Oh please. Like I don't have enough pictures of you in my dorm already" he replies as you giggle.

"Touche" you mumble before grabbing his hand and walking towards the door.
"Y'know...we could just stay in tonight....have a little party on our owwwnnn-" Draco says sheepishly, tugging at the top of your dress.

Your eyes widen as you quickly slap his hand away.
He flinches before looking at you, smiling foolishly.
"Draco Malfoy! You stop that!" You hiss, walking out the door and towards the quidditch pitch.

"Just trying to have a little fun, love" he explains as you nod.
"Well...we can have fun with all of our friends at the party. That you specifically are throwing!" You retort as he nods.

"Yeahhh. Guess we'd better get down there" he suggests, grabbing your hand and pulling you down the pathway.


The smell of alcohol and mint filled your lungs as you vision was blurred by all the smoke that filled the air.

The fumes were intoxicating. Almost just as intoxicating as the Fire whiskey that was being passed around amongst the students.

You felt an arm wrap around your waist as you looked up to see Draco. He had two drinks with him as he handed you one.
"You know I don't drink" you mumble as he nods.
"I's butterbeer" he assures you as you smile.
"Thanks Dray" you say as he nods.

"I'm gonna go look for Crabbe and okay to stay here for a minute?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

You nod as he begins to walk away.

Another hand pressed against your back as you turned around to see Neville and Luna.

"Hey guys!" You beam as they smile.
"Hey babe" Luna slurs.
You furrow your eyebrows and look up at Neville.
"She's drunk" he says bluntly as you giggle and nod.
"Noted" you add, taking a sip of your drink.

Luna's eyes widen as she quickly takes it from you, downing it all in one gulp.
You giggle as she frowns at the non-alcoholic drink.
"Luna!" Neville exclaims as you shake your head.
"It's okay Nev, I'll just go and get another one" you say as he nods.

"Okay...sorry, y/n" he apologizes as you nod and walk over to the drinks' table.


You take a sip of your new drink, gagging at the sudden taste of fire whiskey.
"What the hell-" you begin before looking at the butter beer.

It had turned slightly darker than it was before.
"Great" you mumble before turning around to walk away.

You felt a hand grab your wrist as you turn around to see Cedric Diggory standing above you, a creepy smile plastered on his face along with the look to kill someone.

"Y/l/n...whatcha doin?" He asked.
You already knew that he was drunk. He always was one of the first ones to black out during parties.

You had never understood why.
He was in Hufflepuff, and from the Hufflepuffs you had met, none of them seemed like the drinking type.

"I was just about to go and find Draco" you explain and begin to walk away.
Cedric shakes his head before grabbing the back of your dress and pulling you into him.

You let out a small whimper as his hand grips the back of your dress, tightly.
"What the hell Cedric...let me go!" You yell as he chuckles.

"Oh come on y/n...have a little fun" he mumbles, his lips attaching to your neck.

"Stop!" You yell, trying to push him away. It's no use, Cedric was very strong, and towered over you completely.

How the hell is no one seeing this?! You think to yourself.

Just as you finished your thought, you felt the boy that had been attached to you, forcefully fall backwards and land into the drinks' table.

Your eyes widen as you look up to see Draco standing over him, a look of anger on his face as his jaw and fists clenched.

He looked at you and his eyes softened.
He ran over to you and engulfed you into a hug, kissing the top of your head.

"I am so so sorry for leaving you alone like that-" he begins as you shake your head.
"It's okay...I'm okay" you assure him as he nods and sighs in relief.

You feel his thumb rub over the spot on your neck as you flinch.
He immediately pulls his hand away and frowns.

"I'll beat the shit-" he begins, turning around to walk towards Cedric.

You immediately grab his arm and yank him back as he turns around harshly.
He cups you face in his hands and looks into your eyes.

"Can we just go back to your dorm and cuddle?" You ask politely as he nods.

"Of course we can"

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