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Your POV

I helped Schlatt settle his things in the guest bedroom, I offered to let him sleep in my room but of course Evan was against that completely.

Schlatt chuckled as he took his jacket off, setting it down on his bag. "Right, so, show me the pussy."

My face grew hot as I looked at him. "W-What?" I stuttered out.

Realization hit as he stared at me for a moment, he rolled his eyes. "Your cat, dumbass!" He laughed a bit. "What's his name, Bongo? I wanna see the cat."

"You fucker! You could've worded that differently!" I said with a laugh. "But, yeah. He should be in my room, it's where most of his stuff is." I hummed. "Do you wanna do a stream? I haven't done one in a few days, plus people could freak out seeing us together."

"Sure, why not?" He chuckled and stretched a bit, "It'll be a good opportunity to fuck with some of the viewers, too. Confuse them and shit." He smiled.

I nodded and smiled before heading towards my room, Schlatt following behind me. Bongo surprisingly wasn't asleep, seeing me walk into the room made him immediately rush over, a toy mouse hanging from his mouth.

A smile grew on my face as I giggled a bit, I crouched down and rubbed Bongo's head before slowly taking the mouse from him. I tossed it across the room, watching as he happily chased after it.

Looking back at Schlatt I saw he was watching Bongo, a smile on his face. "Playful little guy, huh?" He chuckled, walking over and sitting down on my bed. "I've been thinking about getting a cat, but I'm not sure."

"You totally should, it might seem like a lot of work, but it's worth it." I giggled softly, before walking over and sitting down at my desk. "I might go ahead and start the stream. Is that okay with you?"

"Go for it," He shrugged, watching as Bongo pounced at the little toy mouse, he chuckled soflty. "I can play with the cat, right? No harm will be done?"

Hearing him made me giggle a bit as I turned my computer on. "Of course, he's really playful. He'd love it." I said before humming and opening Twitch.

Once everything was setup for streaming I went to Twitter, making a small tweet saying I'd be live in a few minutes, and a special guest would be joining me. As soon as it was posted a lot of people seemed to be excited, it immediately got a ton of likes and comments.

I stood up and headed over to my closet, grabbing a random hoodie and slipping it on, before walking back over and sitting down. Schlatt was sitting on the floor now, he was holding the little toy mouse by its tail and bounced it around up in the air, smiling as Bongo jumped up and tried to grab it with his paws.

My smile grew as I watched the two, "Having fun there, Schlatt? I'm about to start streaming." I giggled.

"Hm? Oh, yeah." Schlatt said with a chuckle as he threw the mouse, watching Bongo run off to retrieve it. "You better ban any weirdos that are in chat, though."

"Trust me, I already do." I hummed, before clicking the button to start the stream.

It didn't take long for people to flood into the chat, since Schlatt was out of frame there was a lot of confusion in chat on who this 'guest' was.

"Hey, chat!" I smiled as more and more people flooded in. "So, I see you guys are probably wondering who this guest is, huh?" I hummed.

"Jeez, they're that excited to see someone else on your stream?" Schlatt said as he sat up, poking his head into frame.

Once chat saw him they began to instantly freak out. Schlatt read a few of the messages in chat, and almost immediately became flustered. "No, I wasn't under the fucking desk! Cut that shit out!" He huffed, "I was just playing with her cat! Wait- shit, no!" He stood up and sighed.

I laughed a bit and leaned back in my chair. "He was playing with my kitten, Bongo!" I smiled as Schlatt grabbed Bongo, picking him up and bringing him into frame.

"You dirty minded fucks get out of chat!" He huffed as he carefully sat Bongo back down, before walking back and sitting down on my bed, still being in frame. He crossed his arms and pulled his phone out, beginning to scroll through it. "If I see my name trending on Twitter, people are gonna find out what I did in 1999 to those 3 women."

"Well there you go Schlatt, just for that joke you're gonna get canceled." I giggled as I read through chat a bit more. "Maybe chat could ask us some questions?" I looked back at Schlatt.

He gave a small shrug as he looked at me. "They can do whatever. As long as they're not being a bunch of fucking weirdos."

"That's fair." I nodded, leaning back and watching as chat began to ask again.

After a minute I giggled and sat up, looking back at Schlatt again. "A lot of people are asking about what you did in 1999."

Schlatt looked at me, then at chat for a moment, before giving a small shrug, looking back down at his phone. "They're not ready for that story yet."

"Jeez, are you sure?"

"Yep. 100%." He nodded and leaned back.

I could help but giggle a bit and continue to look through chat. After a few more minutes I got a $5 donation, that read,

"Wait, so are you two dating or?"

As the text to speech read the message Schlatt immediately looked up at his phone, then at me. He chuckled. "You guys figure it out."

My cheeks grew a bit hot as I smiled a bit, I knew we had done a few things together, but did we ever really make anything official.

Of course, chat only freaked out more from that comment.

This was gonna be a lonnnnggggg stream.

𝕶𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝕺𝖓 𝕸𝖊|| Jschlatt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now