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Your POV

Evan and I were heading off of the plane, the flight didn't take too long thankfully, so we didn't have to worry about getting off of it and being tired.

Schlatt had offered to meet us at the airport and drive us to our hotel, so we were both keeping an eye out and trying to spot him. Evan stopped walking in the main area, which caused me to slowly stop beside him.

"I suggest you call him, (Y/N)." Evan said, letting out a long sigh. "Let him know where we are and that we're waiting. If not I'll just get an uber." He chuckled.

"He's here, Evan. I've been texting him since we got off the plane." I giggled softly, scrolling through my contacts, before calling Schlatt.

My phone was against my ear for a few seconds as I listened to the rings, soon hearing Schlatt pick up. "Hey, Schlatt!" I sighed soflty. "Where the hell are you? We can't find you anywhere."

Schlatt let out a small chuckle. "Look behind you, dipshit."

Confused, I turned around only to see Schlatt standing a few feet away, he ended the call and looked at me with a big smile. I stuffed my phone back in my pocket and immediately ran towards him, wrapping my arms around him as soon as I was close enough.

"Woah! Jeez, relax (Y/N)." He laughed a bit, before slowly wrapping his arms around me. "You act like you haven't seen me for like five years."

"It feels that way!" I said with a huff, smiling as I looked up at him.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair a bit, before looking at Evan, then back at me. "Anyway, I figure I'll drive you guys to your hotel and maybe stick around a bit."

Evan had made his way over to us, he gave a small nod. "Sounds good, lead the way, Schlatt." He chuckled.

Schlatt led us outside and to his car, Evan had called shotgun and sat in the passenger seat, so I was stuck in the back. I sat there quietly, mainly just scrolling through my phone on the way there.

Once we arrived we got out of the car and headed inside the hotel, getting the keys to our room and immediately heading up there. We got inside and sat our things down, and after a few minutes Evan stretched. "I'm going out for a bit, don't do anything stupid you two." He chuckled.

"Where are you going?" I asked softly, raising an eyebrow at my brother.

"Just to walk around, no big deal. I'll be back in like, an hour." He chuckled, before heading out of the room, leaving Schlatt and I alone by ourselves.

He watched Evan leave and after a minute or two and then chuckled, leaning back on one of the beds. "So, what are we gonna do to pass the time?"

I walked around the room for a moment as I thought, before I slowly paused in front of the window, looking out. "Hmm.. oh! There's a pool behind the hotel! Maybe we could go for a quick swim?"

As soon as I said that I turned to look at Schlatt, his eyes were wide and the color drained from his face a bit. "You.. wanna go swimming?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah.. is- that bad?" I asked a bit confused on why he looked so fearful all of a sudden.

"Oh- uh, no, it's fine!" He sat as he sat up a bit. "It's just I don't really have any other clothes to change into with me.." He rubbed the back of his neck a bit, chuckling a bit nervously.

Something didn't feel right but I just shrugged it off. "Oh, well, who knows. Maybe you can just dip your feet in or something." I said with a smile. "I didn't really bring a swimsuit so I'll probably just swim in an old shirt and some underwear.." I hummed a bit.

"Sounds good to me." Schlatt chuckled as he stood up. "Are we gonna head down now?"

"Let me get changed first, silly." I giggled, looking through my bag and grabbing an old shirt that I packed, before heading into the bathroom and changing into what I planned on swimming in, though I kept my pants on for now. I wasn't too comfortable with just walking through the hotel in my underwear, that was just weird and inappropriate.

Once I was ready I stepped out of the room with Schlatt and headed to the elevator, after that it didn't take long for us to get to the lobby and head outside.

The pool was pretty big, somewhat bigger than any other pool I had seen at a hotel. From the looks of it it was pretty deep, too, and thankfully no one else was there.

I slowly removed my pants and sat them down on a chair, now only standing in my underwear and the shirt I was wearing. I slowly got in the pool, Schlatt being hesitant as he watched me quietly.

The water was pretty cold at first, but it would probably get better the more I swam around. I sunk into the water for a moment before coming back up, smiling and brushing my hair back and out of my face.

Schlatt just stood there quietly, I couldn't help but smile a bit. "I thought you were at least going to stick your feet it. Come on, it's not that cold!" I giggled.

He gave a slow nod, he took his shoes and socks off and then rolled his pants legs up, before slowly sitting down by the edge of the pool. Sticking his legs in he instantly shivered.

"Jeez, you call this not that cold?" He laughed a bit. "Oh, wait. You live in Canada."

"That has nothing to do with it!" I laughed a bit. "Pools are usually just cold when you first get in, dummy."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He chuckled and smiled a bit.

I smiled and swam over, holding onto the walls and staying near him. I stayed there and kicked my legs for a few minutes as Schlatt and I talked, but soon I got an idea.

"Hey, Schlatt?" I asked, looking up at him. "You left your phone and wallet in the hotel room, right?"

".. Yeah? Why?" He asked looking down at me, before he slowly paused, his eyes widening a bit. "Wait-"

Before he could protest or say anything else I smiled a bit, quickly grabbing his arms and swimming back, pulling him into the water with me. "(Y/N)!-" I heard him shout, before both of us went under the water.

After a few seconds I finally swam up and took a deep breath, laughing a bit. "You were going to have to get in at some point with me!" I smiled, but I slowly paused, only to see Schlatt hadn't come up with me. My heart sank as I looked around, and soon realized what was going on.


𝕶𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝕺𝖓 𝕸𝖊|| Jschlatt x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now