Part 23

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It's overwhelming hearing Ellie cry in her sleep or screaming out loud when she has a nightmare, but I'm always there to comfort her, to put my arms around her and soothe her back to sleep. It's been like this for months now and it could be that a court date has been set for early in March, next year. I decided to go to speak to Carson and Damien on my own today and I'm hoping that they will be able to do what I'm about to suggest. "Well, don't you two look cosy." I had let myself in as per instruction to find them snuggled up on the couch. Carson quickly jumped to her feet and met me with an incredible bear hug. "Jeez sis, have you been working out?"

"Har de har, har. Can't I just be happy to see my sister?" I looked over at Damien with a questionable look and he just shrugged his shoulders. "Anyway, what do we owe this pleasure? You've managed to detach yourself from Ellie." She wiggled her eyebrows, and I shook my head.

"You know we are just friends and roommates. Anyway, it's been a bit stressful lately." I sat down on the chair that faced to the side of the sofa and sunk heavily into it.

"Why stressful?"

"Ellie's court date came through for March. She's uptight and she's been having nightmares again. So, I thought of a plan to try and clear her mind over the festive period."

"What do you have in mind?"

"I'm hoping you both will say yes, but I'm thinking of spending Christmas and New Year in New York." Carson sat upright and Damien braced himself for her response.

"Then we won't see you as usual at Christmas or New Year, that's...hard to take Jack. We've been together every year since I was sixteen, you know that." I knew that Carson would bring that up and potentially kick off about it, so I had my other ace card to play.

"I'm aware of that. So, I've purchased four tickets and hoping that you both will say yes to joining us. Come to think of it, I've still to ask Ellie." Carson squealed and jumped out of the sofa and landed square on my lap. "I will take that as a yes then."

"The joys of having your own business, you can pick and choose when you can go on holiday. What about your workforce though?" I smiled.

"Already been told they have time off as usual, with extended leave with no loss of income. I'm not planning coming straight back from New York though. I'm heading to Vancouver to meet up with some friends first and I will return mid-January. That means you need to look after Ellie when I'm gone."

"Of course." We sat down and spoke about our Christmas trip and Carson's eyes bulged when she realised that we would indeed be on Times Square on New Year's Eve bringing in the New Year, putting this one well and truly behind us. Of course, I spent more time with Carson and Damien, a little respite away from Ellie and to give her space to work things out in her head and where she needs to be.

"Honey, I'm home!" I joked as I stepped through the apartment door and the aroma of a freshly cooked stew penetrated the air. I threw my keys on the sideboard and made my way into the kitchen and tossed my phone on the counter making Ellie jump. "Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. It was unthoughtful of me." Ellie looked at me then smiled.

"I knew it was you, but you don't have to creep around your own home, Jack. Anyway, I kept myself busy, I hope that you are hungry."

"I am. Carson neglected me on that part."

"Poor baby." Ellie said mockingly and I poked my tongue out at her. She seems in good spirts so maybe now might be a good time to discuss the festive period.

"We need to talk about Christmas Ellie."


"Normally I spend it with Carson and Damien, it's our tradition." I could see the disappointment slowly creeping on her facial features. "But this year, we obviously want to include you. I've decided however, we aren't doing it at home this year."

"A restaurant?" I grinned at her. "What?"

"New York." Ellie's jaw dropped open, and she blinked several times and then she was like a goldfish opening and closing her mouth, clearly speechless. "You don't have to worry about anything. I've booked us the hotel, arranged Esta's as you've never been to the states and have some goodies thrown in."

"Jack, you simply can''s too much." I waved my hand to stop her talking.

"It's my present to you, Carson and Damien. I think we all deserve a break away and where better to go than to the city that never sleeps. Experiencing Christmas in New York with the people I love the most on the planet, is a win/win situation for me. Please say you will come." Ellie slowly started to nod her head and I beamed a massive smile at her. "Great. I've already kind of gone behind your back anyway but please don't grill me on what I have done. Just trust me."

"You know that I trust you, implicitly."


I'm packed. It's been a month since Jack announced that we were going to New York for Christmas and New Year and I'm glad that she wanted to invite me. I know I'm a pain in the ass at times with my inner conflict and the constant need for protection and I just hope that I'm not overbearing or bringing Jack down in any shape or form.

Jack had spoken to my employer and had arranged a few extra days off this side of Christmas as we normally get a good break over the festive period. I was initially blown away with Jack's generosity, but I could understand that we all needed a break from our normal to something that is going to be jam packed with excitement. I had just zipped up my suitcase and Jack knocked on my bedroom door. "All packed?"

"I am. I am so stoked to go. How are we getting to the airport? I never thought to ask."

"I'm driving us. I've booked the car in for its holidays near the airport too." That made me chuckle and I shook my head. "Now, since I trust no-one to mess up, I have all the passports and documents, which I will give you all when we check in but then, it's up to you to keep things for safe keeping."

"Okay. Got it." We headed to Carson and Damien's which is under a five-minute drive and they were on the walkway waiting on us arriving. Jack jumped out the car and Carson got in behind me and squeezed my shoulders. "This is so exciting, isn't it?"

"I'm super pumped. We've always wanted to do Christmas in New York. To throw in New Year as well, that is just the icing on the cake."

"Your Jack is too generous. I'm thankful she included me in this trip."

"Why wouldn't she? You're family to us Ellie." The rear of the car then dipped as Jack and Damien had closed the boot and Damien reached over and squeezed my shoulder.

"Hey El."

"Hey Damien. Are you excited too?"

"I am. Jack? Let's get this show on the road." Jack mock saluted making us all chuckle and then we were off. Watching the signs as we leave town and then the butterflies of excitement as the airport drew closer in miles and I looked back to Damien and Carson who were chatting away amongst themselves.

When Jack finally parked the car and we hauled our suitcases out of the car and made our way to check in, Jack handed us all our documents and passports and then before I knew it, I was watching my suitcase being swept away on the travellator and I turned and beamed at Jack. There was something in her eyes when I turned around and she gave me a small smile and checked in. We had to hang around the airport for a bit, so of course, Carson and I went straight to the perfume shop as for Jack and Damien, straight to the bar for the pre-drink before the flight.

On board the aeroplane, I touched Jacks hand and gave it a squeeze. I had confessed that I wasn't a great flier, and she intertwined our fingers and gave them a squeeze back. Closing my eyes as I felt the plane surge to take off and then we were in the air.  

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